Opinions expressed on this site are solely the responsibility of the site's authors and any guest authors whose material is posted here. This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Limbaugh: The Dems Really Fear Sarah Palin

Rush Limbaugh had this to say on his November 3, 2009 radio show (emphasis added):

RUSH: It is conservatives who are the largest identified group in the latest Gallup poll, Mr. Plouffe. You can throw your party politics out of here. It's conservatives at 40, you guys at 20, and the moderate independents or whatever they are at 36%. You guys are at the bottom of that totem pole. But you see there's two things about this. They will tell us who they fear. Our Democrat buddies will tell us who they really fear and I'll tell you right now who they fear is Sarah Palin. They have done everything in their power to destroy her, and they haven't. If they really, really believe that Sarah Palin was the death knell of the Republican Party, they'd be shutting up. They would be encouraging her, some other way to go out and get seen, be seen as much as possible. And this business about centrists and moderates are abandoning the party, do you really think David Plouffe gives a rat's rear end about the health of the Republican Party? Do you think Obama and Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel and David Plouffe sit around and say, "Boy, you know, we really hate to see the Republican Party destroying itself. I mean, can you believe the Republicans are driving moderates and independents out of the party? I mean we gotta help 'em out here. We gotta figure out a way for them to hold onto those moderates and independents."

If the moderates and independents are being driven out of the Republican Party, I ask, where are they going? They're going to the Democrat Party, you would presume, and that should make them happy. This is why you gotta be very careful in accepting the premises of these people. They wish we didn't exist as a party, and they are trying to wipe us out politically. They're not worried that we're losing moderates and independents. They're worried that conservatism is on an ascendancy, they are scared to death of it, and they are really scared of Sarah Palin. They will tell us who they fear the most by trying to destroy them. I find this laughable. David Plouffe, all concerned, (imitating Plouffe) "Oh, driving moderates and independents out of the party, oh, it's horrible, look what's happening to the Republican Party. Oh, we care about the Republican Party so much. We really wish they weren't driving all these moderates and centrists out of the party 'cause we wish to have a viable opponent." What? These people think we're idiots? They do. They obviously do think that we are idiots.

If Any Republican Wins, Then They've Attracted Independents! http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_110309/content/01125109.guest.html

Eddie Burke Interviews Me: Being a Black Conservative & Glenn Beck Appearance

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

Glenn Beck had a great show planned for this Friday, and I was going to be on it. This was to be town-hall style, featuring an audience of Black conservatives. Beck has been calling this show one that will not soon be forgotten.

Unfortunately, Glenn has unexpectedly had to have appendix surgery, so the show is now scheduled to be taped next Thursday and will most likely be aired on Friday, November 13th.

In anticipation of the upcoming show, last night I was a guest on the Eddie Burke Radio Show. Eddie, Alaska's Best, interviewed me about the Glenn Beck television show, being a Black conservative, and Governor Palin's involvement in the NY-23rd Congressional District race.

As this will be Beck's focus, Eddie and I spoke quite a bit about the issue of race. As most people know, being Black usually means being a Democrat. Not subscribing to that worldview opens one up to being called a "sell-out," "Aunt Jemima," or "Uncle Tom." These insults most often come from other Black Americans who don't understand people choosing to "get off the plantation," as I often say. This interview with Eddie Burke addresses that, how the liberal agenda is counterproductive to the Black community, how it is the antithesis of the values so many of us espouse, and even how my support of Sarah Palin figures into the debate.

When Eddie asked how I am able to stand by my beliefs when there is such pressure--and sometimes resentment--placed on Black conservatives, my answer was simple: "It's just called the courage of your convictions."

Eddie asked some great questions during this interview, which led to an insightful conversation. Be sure to listen to both parts 1 and 2--and be sure to tune into Glenn Beck next week.

(Thanks to Sheya at C4P for the audio)

Conservative Revolution Brewing: A Post by Conservative Girl with a Voice

It happened right after the presidential election last year; now, it's happening once again. Some liberal democrats and so-called "big tent" rinos are placing the blame on Sarah Palin for Hoffman's loss last night in the NY 23 race. Fellow readers, I knew and you knew that this would happen. There's always a fall guy, and in this case, a fall woman. In blaming Sarah for Hoffman's loss, we once again see just how wrong and ill placed these individuals are. There is a very good reason for why they blame Sarah, and I have a feeling you know what it is. What other reason would there be for placing the blame on her other than the fact that they fear her and the power she possesses. Sarah is a threat to everything the left hopes to accomplish. Not only is she not afraid to speak, but whenever she does, people take notice, which explains why so many hang, then attack her on her every word.

The NY 23 race is proof yet again of Sarah's power as a conservative Republican. While the media, leftists and moderate Republicans will place some of the blame on her, there is no doubt that without Sarah's endorsement of Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, he would not have come close to winning yesterday. Take this Daily Kos Poll, which was taken before Sarah endorsed Hoffman. Before Sarah endorsed him, he had 27% of people supporting him. Last night, after the election results were tallied, Hoffman got 45% of the vote. You do the math, and you will see that her endorsing him helped him gain an additional 18% of the vote. In the end, Hoffman came within about four percentage points of beating the Democrat and the Republican. Although Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the race this past Saturday, she still had about six percent of the vote. That's not all. Scozzafava ended up going against her party when she endorsed the Democrat, Bill Owens. So, you see, the power of conservatism did win out yesterday. The power of conservatism was seen yesterday. The power of conservatism echoed throughout the country yesterday as 46 percent of upstate NY residents sent a message loud and clear that they are fed up with both the Republican and Democratic Parties. As a conservative, I am so proud of all those who chose values and integrity over party.

About a month ago, Hoffman was a little-known candidate from a third party. I have to admit that I knew very little about this race and the candidates in it. This all changed when Fred Thompson and, then, Sarah Palin took the brave step forward and endorsed him. Just before her endorsement, I had begun to study this race after reading some articles over at the Palin Twibe and the Sarah Palin Internet Web Brigade. I wanted to write about Hoffman and my support for his candidacy. Right before I endorsed him on my blog, Sarah endorsed him too. I had high hopes that she would endorse him, and when she did, she illustrated everything I knew to be true about her. She demonstrated yet again just how much of the real deal she is. She IS one of us. It IS because of her that Hoffman rose from the ashes and began to get national attention. It IS because of her that thousands from all over the country lent their money and time to his grassroots campaign. It IS because of her that members of this rapidly growing conservative movement know that our message is being heard and resonating across this great land. Just as she helped John McCain a year ago, she helped Doug Hoffman last night. Don't let the liberal left and moderate Republicans tell you differently, for they want you to shut up and sit down. Sarah released a statement last night following the NY 23 election in which she wrote:

A Victory for Common Sense and Fiscal Sanity:

Congratulations to the new Governors-Elect of Virginia and New Jersey! I'd also like to offer a special word of support to the new Lieutenant Governor-Elect of New Jersey, Kim Guadagno, the first woman to hold that office.

Of course, the real victors in this election are the ordinary men and women who voted for positive change and a return to fiscal sanity. Your voices have been heard.

The race for New York's 23rd District is not over, just postponed until 2010. The issues of this election have always centered on the economy - on the need for fiscal restraint, smaller government, and policies that encourage jobs. In 2010, these issues will be even more crucial to the electorate. I commend Doug Hoffman and all the other under-dog candidates who have the courage to put themselves out there and run against the odds.

To the tireless grassroots patriots who worked so hard in that race and to future citizen-candidates like Doug, please remember Reagan's words of encouragement after his defeat in 1976:

"The cause goes on. Don't get cynical because look at yourselves and what you were willing to do, and recognize that there are millions and millions of Americans out there that want what you want, that want it to be that way, that want it to be a shining city on a hill."

The cause goes on.
- Sarah Palin

Sarah writes what so many of us feel about the hopes and dreams we have for America. Just as Ronald Reagan before her, she is able to make us realize that we will conquer, and we will win in the end. Look at how far we have come over this past year! Last year on election night, I had tears in my eyes as I realized that America had perhaps just let go of an individual who could have gone on to become one of the the greatest vice presidents of all time. I was heart broken as I thought of how hard of a battle the election was. I knew America was going to change dramatically over the course of the next year, and this is exactly what has happened. Our country has changed and not for the better.

Looking back at how I felt a year ago, I may have been heartbroken and felt defeated, but I am able to say that a year later, I feel so blessed to be a proud member of a movement that is rapidly growing by the day. The conservative movement is on fire, and this is a fire that is not going to be out by even the most powerful of fire extinguishers. Sarah gives me hope and optimism that America will once again be the beacon of light and that beautiful, shining city on a hill. She has done so much for our country. Sarah's tireless service and dedication are two things that no liberal can ever take away from her.

While she continues to fight the good fight, I will continue to fight the good fight, and you all need to continue the good fight as well. Together, we stand strong, and together we can knock down any barrier that stands in our way. Keep up the good fight. I encourage you to continue to attend tea parties and keep the pressure on. I encourage you to start a blog. Think of it as a daily journal that you are sharing with you fellow man and woman. Writing this blog has opened so many doors, but most importantly, it has allowed me to spread the common sense message of conservatism and allowed me to meet so many amazing like-minded people. So, fellow readers, let us continue down this road together united for a common goal and purpose, for in the end, we WILL win the battle and conquer the war.

(I'm a Conservative Girl with a Voice!!! Visit my blog and become a follower: http://www.conservativegirlwithavoice.com. Follow me on Twitter too: http://www.twitter.com/rachellefriberg.)

Adrienne Ross and Clifton Bazar to be on Glenn Beck

Update: Due to emergency appendix surgery for Glenn Beck, this interview is now scheduled to air Friday, November 13, 2009

Clifton Bazar and Adrienne Ross, Board Member, Media Director, and New York State Organizer of the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee will participate in a town hall-style forum on the Glenn Beck show Friday, November 613, 2009. Please check local listings for air times.

Glenn Beck is hosting the show with Black Conservative guests; Adrienne and Clifton will participate in the discussion with other like-minded conservatives.

If you have met Adrienne or have heard or watched any of her interviews regarding Governor Palin, then you know this will be a must-see event.

Both Adrienne and Clifton are authors on Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's Accomplishments, and Sarah's Web Brigade.

Clifton Bazar

Clifton Bazar is the editor and publisher of Another Black Conservative.

Mr. Bazar is a black conservative from a black conservative family. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and finally settled in New Jersey. Throughout his life he knew he did not share many of the common beliefs of other American blacks. For starters, he never took to the term "African-American." He has meet too many real Africans who are now Americans, to ever with a straight face say we share something in common other than skin tones. Their history and culture is truly a unique and is a completely different experience from his own. His culture is distinctly American, from the way he speaks, thinks, dresses and acts and you know what else? He loves it! So for him, he will always be an American who just happens to be black. He puts himself and his beliefs out here in cyberspace, to show his fellow blacks that there is something more. That one need not accept the false promise of the next social program, the belief in government as savior or the next Democratic candidate will right all wrongs. That true Hope and Change comes from belief in yourself, in a nation that allows dynamic movement if you are bold enough, smart enough and brave enough to make it happen.

Adrienne Ross

Adrienne Ross is the editor and publisher of Motivation: Truth and a Board Member, Media Director, and NY State Organizer for the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee. Ms. Ross met Governor Palin in Auburn, NY in early June, 2009 as part of celebrating Alaska's 50th Year of Statehood. She met Governor Palin a second time during a month-long trip to Alaska.

Ms. Ross is also an author on C4P, and SarahNet.

Ms. Ross is a born-again Christian who is madly in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. She is also a middle school English Language Arts teacher. She chooses to use the gifts God has given her to be a voice of truth in this crucial time in our nation. She is taking a stand for righteousness and for leaders, like Sarah Palin, who stand for righteousness because, as the Bible declares, "Righteousness exalts a nation." It's time for people of integrity to stand up, speak up, and make a difference. Her sole motivation? The TRUTH!

Sarah Palin to Be Featured Speaker at Banquet in Salina, Kansas

On Monday, November 3, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce announced that Governor Sarah Palin will be the keynote speaker for their Chamber Annual Banquet & Membership Meeting. This event will take place on February 5, 2010. It starts at 6:30 pm and will be held in the Salina Bicentennial Center arena. Tickets to the event will be sold first to members of the Chamber. Then beginning on December 2, the remaining tickets will be available to the public.

On Monday, Craig Andres at KSN3 wrote:
Big news was announced Monday as a big name is heading to Kansas. Sarah Palin is
set to speak in the state and some might be surprised at who landed the big get.

The Salina Chamber’s Annual Banquet is known for attracting big names
from former presidents to foreign dignitaries and sports legends. But this year,
they’re bringing in someone at the center of America’s current political

With her recent resignation as Alaska’s governor and a highly anticipated book coming out next month, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce says Palin is perfect for its Annual Banquet.

“Still, what Sarah Palin seems to be doing is news throughout the country, we think it will be an evening where people show up and they maybe don't quite understand what's going to be talked about and that should be interesting,” said Daran Neuschafer, chairman for the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce.

The February banquet, and specifically who the speaker will be, is something residents like Dennis Collier say they look forward to.

“Sarah Palin has the ability to excite people at large whether you're a Republican or a Democrat or Independent and you don't know what Sarah Palin is going to do next,” said Collier. “She was Governor and then she resigned and now she's here in Salina.”

On Tuesday, Becky Tanner at the Wichita Eagle wrote:

"She is interesting and in high demand," said Salina Chamber president Dennis

"Whether you love her or disagree with her, we think the response
will be great."

Lauver said Palin was clearly identified as a front-runner early in the chamber's speaker selection process. In past years, the banquet has featured Bob Costas, Cal Ripken Jr., Dr. Joyce Brothers, Colin Powell and former President George H. W. Bush.

According to Dennis Lauver, the Chamber's President and CEO, ticket sales are “exceptionally brisk." Most likely, the main floor tickets will sell out to chamber members today, leaving gallery tickets available to nonmembers. Nonmembers who contact the Chamber are being put on a waiting list. Pricing and contact information for obtaining tickets is available on the Chamber website at http://salinakansas.org/Sarah_Palin.pdf.

According to the website, Governor Palin is represented by the Washington Speakers Bureau.


Palin tickets selling well (Salina.com) http://www.salina.com/news/story/palin-11-3-09

Salina Area Chamber of Commerce Announcement http://salinakansas.org/Sarah_Palin.pdf

Sarah Palin set to speak in Salina (Wichita Eagle)http://www.kansas.com/news/top/story/1038369.html

Sarah Palin to speak in Salina (KSN3) http://www.ksn.com/mostpopular/story/Sarah-Palin-to-speak-in-Salina/AX-Wt_iu00Gu8nEH0hWCpQ.cspx

Rebirth, Forging, and Breaking Glass

Never again...

The death of McCain-Pain 2008 was the birth of Sarah 2012...

Defeat can lead to victory; progress may be circuitous, not in a straight line (Hilley, 2008, p. 163)

Her enemies thought they could destroy her...

...with a full-court hostile press, character assassination, hate, and vitriol...

...frivolous ethics complaints, and attempts to break her family asunder....

...they never realized the gift they gave her: Shugyo -- severe training...

Press experience, that millions of dollars in consultations and simulations cannot buy.

They forged and tempered her steel....

Executive experience, command experience, financial administration...

...Transformational Leadership, and the ability to withstand any media attack...

...she is laser polished.

She has been summoned and is ready...we wait for her to beckon us home....

The world will tremble beneath her sonic boom...

The last glass ceiling will be smashed from above....

...Followed by a High-G Vertical Climb...because she can...

Excelsior -- Ever Upward.


Hilley, J. (2008). Sarah Palin: A New Kind of Leader. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan).

Photo References in Order of Appearance

Election Night, 2008

Somodevilla, C. [Photo] (2008, November 4). "McCain Holds election night gathering in Phoenix." Getty Images. Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/LiF_s6WCcYw/McCain+Holds+Election+Night+Gathering+Phoenix/N-z8bqwlzVU/Sarah+Palin

Phoenix Artwork:

Lesson 2, Part 2, Freehand selections. (2009). Aviary, Inc. Retrieved October 23, 2009 from: http://aviary.com/tutorial?tutorial=lesson_2_part_2_freehand_selections&singlepageview=1

Forging Photos are frame grabs by Ron Devito, extracted from:

"A few good men." (1986). United States Marine Corps. Retrieved October 23, 2009 from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1YDj4GyGV8

Governor Palin Waving in Auburn, NY and Ronald Reagan Saluting -- Photo Montage by Ron Devito

Reagan Salute Photo

Sjostrom, W. (2004, June 8). "RIP Mr. President." AtlanticBlog. Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://www.atlanticblog.com/archives/2004_06.html

"Palin Wave" Photo

Miller, D. [Photo] (2009, June 6). "Palin Wave" Flickr, Dennis Miller. Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/auburnnewyork/3611491283/

Thanks to Team Sarah member MeLisa Stewart ("Missy from Mississippi") who had the photo in her gallery and shared with me...


F-22 Breaking the Sound Barrier over the USS Stennis

Britt, R.R. [Photo] (2009, July 2). What breaking the sound barrier looks like. Fox News. Retrieved July 3, 2009 from: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529667,00.html?test=latestnews

Broken Glass

DiMichele, D. [Photo Montage] (2009, April 1). "Pseudodocumentation: Broken Glass." MoCoLoco. Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://mocoloco.com/art/archives/010806.php

F-22 Commencing Vertical Climb

Hintsa, M. (2009, July 24). "F-22 Raptor." Flickr, Matt Hintsa. Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/91201697@N00/3752746715/

Sarah Palin and F-15 Montage by Ron Devito

F-15D Eagle

Allen, J. Staff Sergeant. (2004). "F-15D." United States Air Force. Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://www.answers.com/topic/rate-of-climb

Governor Sarah Palin at IGHL

Tiernan, A. C. [Photo] (2009, June 7). Governor Palin receives IGHL Award. New York NewsDay Retrieved October 25, 2009 from: http://www.newsday.com/long-island/sarah-palin-speaks-at-fundraiser-in-st-james-1.1241720

Sarah Palin: The Cause Goes On

Fresh from Wasilla:

A Victory for Common Sense and Fiscal Sanity

Today at 11:43pm

Congratulations to the new Governors-Elect of Virginia and New Jersey! I’d also like to offer a special word of support to the new Lieutenant Governor-Elect of New Jersey, Kim Guadagno, the first woman to hold that office.

Of course, the real victors in this election are the ordinary men and women who voted for positive change and a return to fiscal sanity. Your voices have been heard.

The race for New York’s 23rd District is not over, just postponed until 2010. The issues of this election have always centered on the economy – on the need for fiscal restraint, smaller government, and policies that encourage jobs. In 2010, these issues will be even more crucial to the electorate. I commend Doug Hoffman and all the other under-dog candidates who have the courage to put themselves out there and run against the odds.

To the tireless grassroots patriots who worked so hard in that race and to future citizen-candidates like Doug, please remember Reagan’s words of encouragement after his defeat in 1976:

"The cause goes on. Don't get cynical because look at yourselves and what you were willing to do, and recognize that there are millions and millions of Americans out there that want what you want, that want it to be that way, that want it to be a shining city on a hill."

The cause goes on.

- Sarah Palin

Hard to add to such eloquent words from both Palin and Reagan. Tonight was a great night. Obama style hopenchange was wildly rejected by voters in Virginia, where Conservatives swept in a land slide. And in New Jersey, where Obama himself campaigned on six different trips, the very blue state went red in a big way.

I don’t have video of Doug Hoffman’s concession speech yet, but I saw it on a live feed from the local television station. Very upbeat:

"This one was worth the fight," "This is only one fight in the battle."

____Doug Hoffman

His supporters were very upbeat as well. One supporter was heard to say: "Twelve Months."

Hoffman and Conservatives around the nation sent a clear message to the GOP. No more squishes! Voters in NJ and Virginia sent a strong message to Barack Obama and the radical democrat/communist party as well.

The cause goes on.