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Monday, June 1, 2009

Twitts and Twibes and Twitter Too

There are a lot of new terms floating around on Twitter. Some of these are used by Twitter groups, which are fairly new. Twitter itself does not yet have groups, but groups powered by Twitter are available from other providers.

A twibe is a Twitter group. There are two types of Twitter groups that I am aware of: Twitt groups on twittgroups.com and Twibe groups on twibes.com. There may be more, but these are the ones I am familiar with.

Twitt groups and Twibe groups can be set up by anyone who has a Twitter account. Twitt groups are powered by hashtags, such as #tcot, and collect all tweets from all over Twitter that contain a specific hashtag anywhere in the tweet. Twibe groups use hashtags also, but only tweets containing specific hashtag(s) and tweeted by members of the Twibe are posted on a particular Twibe's page.

The Twitt groups show more tweets but can include unwanted tweets. For example, the #palin hashtag pulls in primarily negative tweets about Sarah Palin, whereas the #sarahpalin hashtag pulls in a mixture of positive and negative tweets. To minimize the negative tweets, the Sarah Palin Web Brigade at Twitter's Twitt group uses the #spwbt hashtag to post positive tweets about Governor Palin. Although only member tweets using the associated hashtag(s) are posted on a Twibe group, those same tweets also go to the Twitt groups that use the same specific hashtags.

There are two Twibe groups that I am aware of that support Sarah Palin. One is the Palin Twibe, which uses the hashtags #palin, #sarah, and #conservative. The other is the SarahPalinWebBrigade Twibe, which uses the #spwbt hashtag. Both groups support Sarah Palin. To my knowledge, Governor Palin has not yet set up a Twitt group or a Twibe group.

Related links:




The #spwbt Twitt group has been moved by Twitter Groups to an AssistSocial group with the same name and using the same tag. The new group can still be accessed through the "View Tweets" link at the old URL (http://www.twittgroups.com/group/spwbt).

The URL for the new Sarah Palin Web Brigade at Twitter group, called the #spwbt group for short, is http://assistsocial.com/spwbt.

The URL for the SarahPalinWebBrigade Twibe is http://www.twibes.com/group/sarahpalinwebbrigade, or http://twibe.es/CSB for short.


Since the last update, our AssistSocial site experienced a database crash, which apparently involved all of the AssistSocial sites. At the time, I was advised that it may be a "while" before they are back up.

So the SPWB Twibe is now our primary Twitter group. Since we have the capability of blocking negative tweets about Sarah and removing trolls from the Twibe, we are now using the hashtags #sarah, #palin, and #spwbt. This change was made so that more members' posts would show up in the message stream of the SPWB Twibe.

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