If it is so important to the left to stop Sarah Palin from running for President, then it is that much more important that she run - and win!
Opinions expressed on this site are solely the responsibility of the site's authors and any guest authors whose material is posted here. This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee.
Palin Power: Her Endorsements Carry Significant Weight
As the sun rose this day, June 9, 2010, over 80% of Gov. Palin's endorsed candidates thus far emerged victorious. Though Gov. Palin, in her humility downplayed the importance of endorsements, mainstream media (or what we often call "lamestream"), professional pundits, bloggers, and the endorsed candidates themselves all agreed: Gov. Palin's endorsements are valuable and carry significant weight. The anger of those whose candidates did not secure an endorsement is also strong anecdotal evidence to support this assertion. After all, people do not get angry over something that is of little value or not worth caring about.
Nikki Haley, Victorious and Grateful
Politico's Andy Barr cited the success of Nikki Haley's campaign, despite allegations of two affairs as evidence of the power of Gov. Palin's endorsements. Haley's spokesman Tim Pearson called Gov. Palin's endorsement a boon to the Haley campaign. Nikki Haley expressed her gratitude on Fox and Friends and said she would love to have Gov. Palin campaign for her in the general election.
Fiorina Defeats Devore as Predicted
In California, Gov. Palin's endorsed candidate Carly Fiorina easily defeated Devore. As Barr noted, Gov. Palin went against some of her supporters who view Fiorina as a RINO and Devore as a true conservative. Gov. Palin, as delineated in our coverage of the race knew that Devore simply could not muster up the numbers to win the primary much less the general election..
Iowa's Terry Branstad enjoyed a similar outcome under similar circumstances to Fiorina easily defeating Bob Vander Plaats.
The Mechanics of a Sarah Palin Endorsement
Barr noted that Gov. Palin uses the Susan B. Anthony List (owners of Team Sarah) as a resource to select conservative candidates. Ian Lazaran, Conservatives4Palin today discussed a Time Magazine article which gave insight into Gov. Palin's endorsement methodology. Gov. Palin tends to prefer underdogs who have the potential to win with her helping hand.
Locked and Loaded for November and Beyond...
With many of the primaries concluded, the focus shifts to November's general elections, key to defeating Obama's agenda. Once the foundation is laid in November, as Tammy Bruce said in her interview, "why put off for 2016 what you can do in 2012." Our vigil is posted...
And now, I've noticed a pattern with our opponent, and maybe you have, too. We've all heard his dramatic speeches before devoted followers, and there is much to like and admire about our opponent.
But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or even a reform, not even in the State Senate.
This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word "victory," except when he's talking about his own campaign.
But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed, when the roar of the crowd fades away, when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot...
When that happens, what exactly is our opponent's plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet?
The answer -- the answer is to make government bigger, and take more of your money, and give you more orders from Washington, and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world.
As you no doubt have heard, our esteemed President, Barack Obama, in all of his beta male gloriousness announced this week:
I was down there a month ago, before most of these talkin’ heads were even paying attention to the gulf. A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there, standin’ in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be. and I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar, we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.
Of course, this impressed absolutely no one, and lost all of it’s manly- manliness, when Obama announced on Monday that he was gonna convene a panel of experts in order to figure out whose ass to kick!
On the other hand, Sarah Palin knows exactly whose ass to kick, does so in spectacular fashion:
Less Talkin’, More Kickin’
50 days in, and we’ve just learned another shocking revelation concerning the Obama administration’s response to the Gulf oil spill. In an interview aired this morning, President Obama admitted that he hasn’t met with or spoken directly to BP’s CEO Tony Hayward. His reasoning: "Because my experience is, when you talk to a guy like a BP CEO, he’s gonna say all the right things to me. I’m not interested in words. I’m interested in actions."
First, to the "informed and enlightened" mainstream media: in all the discussions you’ve had with the White House about the spill, did it not occur to you before today to ask how the CEO-to-CEO level discussions were progressing to remedy this tragedy? You never cease to amaze. (Kind of reminds us of the months on end when you never bothered to ask if the President was meeting with General McChrystal to talk about our strategy in Afghanistan.)
This is a twofer. She gets to kick both Obama and the media square in the ass! Sadly, both are lost causes, and just need to go away. It’s simply incredible that Obama hasn’t spoken, not even once, to BP’s CEO. How the hell do you not call up Tony Hayward and at least say something? Even better, as Allahpundit over at Hot Air points out, Obama can’t even give a real explanation why he hasn’t spoken to Hayward!
This truly is a guy who shouldn’t have a job that is more complicated than asking "would you like some fries with that?"
Second, to fellow baffled Americans: this revelation is further proof that it bodes well to have some sort of executive experience before occupying the Oval Office (as if the painfully slow response to the oil spill, confusion of duties, finger-pointing, lack of preparedness, and inability to grant local government simple requests weren’t proof enough). The current administration may be unaware that it’s the President’s duty, meeting on a CEO-to-CEO level with Hayward, to verify what BP reports. In an interview a few weeks ago with Greta Van Susteren, I noted that based on my experience working with oil execs as an oil regulator and then as a Governor, you must verify what the oil companies claim – because their perception of circumstances and situations dealing with public resources and public trust is not necessarily shared by those who own America’s public resources and trust. I was about run out of town in Alaska for what critics decried at the time as my "playing hardball with Big Oil," and those same adversaries (both shortsighted Repubs and Dems) continue to this day to try to discredit my administration’s efforts in holding Big Oil accountable to operate ethically and responsibly.
As Ronald Reagan would say: "trust, but verify." Sarah learned this lesson early on when dealing with Big Oil.
Mr. President: with all due respect, you have to get involved, sir. The priorities and timeline of an oil company are not the same as the public’s. You cannot outsource the cleanup and the responsibility and the trust to BP and expect that the legitimate interests of Americans adversely affected by this spill will somehow be met.
White House: have you read this morning’s Washington Post? Not to pile it on BP, but there’s an extensive report chronicling the company’s troubling history:
"BP has had more high-profile accidents than any other company in recent years. And now, with the disaster in the gulf, independent experts say the pervasiveness of the company’s problems, in multiple locales and different types of facilities, is striking.
‘They are a recurring environmental criminal and they do not follow U.S. health safety and environmental policy,’ said Jeanne Pascal, a former EPA lawyer who led its BP investigations."
And yet just 10 days prior to the explosion, the Obama administration’s regulators gave the oil rig a pass, and last year the Obama administration granted BP a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) exemption for its drilling operation.
But ... but ... but, I thought it was all Bush’s fault!!
These decisions and the resulting spill have shaken the public’s confidence in the ability to safely drill. Unless government appropriately regulates oil developments and holds oil executives accountable, the public will not trust them to drill, baby, drill. And we must! Or we will be even more beholden to, and controlled by, dangerous foreign regimes that supply much of our energy. This has been a constant refrain from me. As Governor of Alaska, I did everything in my power to hold oil companies accountable in order to prove to the federal government and to the nation that Alaska could be trusted to further develop energy rich land like ANWR and NPR-A. I hired conscientious Democrats and Republicans (because this sure shouldn’t be a partisan issue) to provide me with the best advice on how we could deal with what was a corrupt system of some lawmakers and administrators who were hesitant to play hardball with some in the oil field business. (Remember the Alaska lawmakers, public decision-makers, and business executives who ended up going to jail as a result of the FBI’s investigations of oily corruption.)
As the aforementioned article notes, BP’s operation in Alaska would hurt our state and waste public resources if allowed to continue. That’s why my administration created the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office (PSIO) when we saw proof of improper maintenance of oil infrastructure in our state. We had to verify. And that’s why we instituted new oversight and held BP and other oil companies financially accountable for poor maintenance practices. We knew we could partner with them to develop resources without pussyfooting around with them. As a CEO, it was my job to look out for the interests of Alaskans with the same intensity and action as the oil company CEOs looked out for the interests of their shareholders.
I learned firsthand the way these companies operate when I served as chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC). I ended up resigning in protest because my bosses (the Governor and his chief of staff at the time) wouldn’t support efforts to clean up the corruption involving improper conflicts of interest with energy companies that the state was supposed to be watching. (I wrote about this valuable learning experience in my book, "Going Rogue".) I felt guilty taking home a big paycheck while being reduced to sitting on my thumbs – essentially rendered ineffective as a supervisor of a regulatory agency in charge of nearly 20% of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.
Sarah talks about her experience both as Alaska’s chief energy and environmental regulator and as Governor in dealing with Big Oil in her book. If you want the unbiased, unvarnished story of how Sarah dealt with the oil companies in Alaska, I recommend Kay Cashman’s book Sarah Takes On Big Oil, which is available at Amazon.com, it tells you all you need to know about Sarah’s ability to kick ass!
My experience (though, granted, I got the message loud and clear during the campaign that my executive experience managing the fastest growing community in the state, and then running the largest state in the union, was nothing compared to the experiences of a community organizer) showed me how government officials and oil execs could scratch each others’ backs to the detriment of the public, and it made me ill. I ran for Governor to fight such practices. So, as a former chief executive, I humbly offer this advice to the President: you must verify. That means you must meet with Hayward. Demand answers.
In the interview today, the President said: "I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."
Please, sir, for the sake of the Gulf residents, reach out to experts who have experience holding oil companies accountable. I suggested a few weeks ago that you start with Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources, led by Commissioner Tom Irwin. Having worked with Tom and his DNR and AGIA team led by Marty Rutherford, I can vouch for their integrity and expertise in dealing with Big Oil and overseeing its developments. We’ve all lived and worked through the Exxon-Valdez spill. They can help you. Give them a call. Or, what the heck, give me a call.
And, finally, Mr. President, please do not punish the American public with any new energy tax in response to this tragedy. Just because BP and federal regulators screwed up that doesn’t mean the rest of us should get punished with higher taxes at the pump and attached to everything petroleum products touch.
- Sarah Palin
The Bottom line is Sarah Palin is a true leader, and a true reformer, and this is her area of expertise. Will Obama call her?
Sadly, no.
That would be a blow his fragile, but king sized ego, couldn’t bear. It’s a shame too, because Sarah would be able to ride herd on this situation, and do some real kickin’.
President Obama, give Sarah a call, we need some actual leadership here
Keeping with Sarah’s theme of less talk, more action, I’d like to send out a long distance dedication to Obama. Take it away Mr Presley:
I sit here and wonder where the GOP establishment show ponies, like Mitt Romney are in all of this. All of the "good old boys" have been conspicuous by their absence.
She was relatively unknown, especially on a national level. She was fourth in polling for the South Carolina gubernatorial primary. She stood for everything that Tea party conservatives stood for. She was against the establishment and stood up against the good ole boy network. After Sarah Palin endorsed her, she shot up like a rocket in the polls. Despite a vicious smear campaign against her, she continued to open up to a large lead over her opponents. She won 49% of the primary vote and just missed not having to do a runoff. In our effort to take back America, Nikki Haley adds power to our cause and immediately fills the void left by Mark Sanford.
Odds are we will have a Palinista in the state house in South Carolina. Haley has gone from last place in the early polls to favorite to win the governorship. We all like to chalk it up as a major win for Sarah Palin - and it is - but Nikki Haley is a top shelf candidate in her own right. She's a Bachmann, a Demint, a McDonnell, a Christie. She stands on her own merit with Sarah Palin and Jenny Sanford simply providing the heavy ammunition that the Palin army now has ever since Sarah Palin left that miserable job she had in Alaska so that she could build herself into the national leader that she has become.
Haley is Palin's ideological match. The philosophy is what makes them great and their execution and articulation of that philosophy is what makes them win. Robbie Brown writes:
If she wins the general election in November, Ms. Haley would be the first woman and first racial minority elected governor of South Carolina. In a speech to supporters on Tuesday night, Ms. Haley said she has challenged the status quo — but less through her age, race or gender, and more through her political views.
“We said ‘no’ to spending, we said ‘no’ to bailouts, we said ‘no’ to backroom deal-making,” she said. “We said ‘yes’ to South Carolina not just being Republican, but becoming conservative.”
By tapping into populist anger and libertarian rhetoric, Ms. Haley has also emerged as a darling of the national conservative backlash against the political establishment.
The Palin army has a new field general in South Carolina. We understand the lingo and we understand the code. So when Nikki Haley tweets "Thank you to everyone that voted today, the movement is stronger than ever!" we know what she means.
Our movement to take back that shining city on a hill took a big hit when one of our biggest field generals, Mark Sanford, deserted his post and "wandered off the Appalachian trail." Having Nikki Haley fill that position is huge. I mean super intergalactic huge. Yes, Nikki, our movement is stronger than ever. And it's only going to get even stronger from here.
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October 5, 2011
Wasilla, Alaska
After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not
be seeking ...
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Blog**. ...
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