If it is so important to the left to stop Sarah Palin from running for President, then it is that much more important that she run - and win!
Opinions expressed on this site are solely the responsibility of the site's authors and any guest authors whose material is posted here. This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee.
A group of Sarah Palin supporters has decided to meet the left-wing haters head on by starting a petition of our own. We support Gov. Palin's new endeavor to film a series showcasing the beauty that is Alaska. Below is a video promoting our petition. We hope you will sign up to show your support!
Here you can read a portion of our petition letter to Mr. Zaslav, CEO of Discovery Communications:
Dear Mr. Zaslav:
As President and CEO of Discovery Communications, Inc., your good taste and sound judgment were evident in your acquisition of the contract for Governor Sarah Palin’s documentary series about her home state of Alaska. Who better to tell the story of Alaska than her most famous daughter? Sarah Palin’s captivating personality will definitely be an asset to your network as you partner with Governor Palin to showcase the majestic beauty of Alaska’s natural wonders.
I join millions of others in my anticipation of this unique and exciting series about Alaska, its history, and its natural wonders. Governor Palin’s presence alone should ensure outstanding viewer ratings.. Oprah Winfrey and FOX News can attest to that. Governor Palin’s initial appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show gave that show its highest ratings in two years. Her debut as a FOX News analyst drew more viewers than all the other cable news programs during that hour combined. Likewise, the first installment of Real American Stories drew more viewers than all her competitors combined. To put it simply, Sarah Palin is “ratings gold”.
You can read the rest of the letter here and sign the petition! Let's show Sarah just how much support she has!
We can count on some basic things in this life: you know, rain showers in April, the New York Knicks losing basketball games, and...Liberals playing the race card. Some things never change. True to form, it's April and we've been getting quite a bit of rain. It's NBA playoff time and the Knicks are already on vacation. And it's another day--any day--and Liberals are using race to advance their agenda.
Yes, it is common for the Left to create, capitalize off of, and then feign concern over issues of race. So nothing has changed there. But I have to admit that it threw me to see our so-called post-racial president so comfortable playing that card for all the world to see. Just pulled it out and threw it on the table--no big deal, right?
Watch the video below and then keep reading.
If you're like me, when you first heard this, you stopped in your tracks, wondering if President Obama had actually said what you thought he said. I was preparing for work with "Fox and Friends" on in the background. I couldn't believe Obama so bluntly stated that in order to win in November of 2010,
"It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again."
So the Democrats' November game plan is to gather certain groups and get them to the polls, for once there, you can expect them to vote your way; after all, that's what they do.
His comments, indicative of his hubris and the Left's political slave master mentality, reveal Democrats' long-standing belief that certain people will vote for certain other people no matter what--no matter the issues, no matter his record. So his rally cry is simple. In part, it is: "Calling all Blacks! Calling all Latinos! Let's unite!"
Now, lest you be tempted to think that's okay, just flip the president's script for a moment. Can you imagine the outrage if Governor Palin had penned on Facebook, "It will be up to each of you to make sure that white people stand together once again"? Can you imagine what would happen if any Conservative made such a comment? A Conservative cannot even peacefully demonstrate against President Obama's policies or target certain Democrats who need to be ousted without being accused of racism and inciting violence. Governor Palin wrote:
We’re paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election.
All hell broke loose after that Facebook note as the Left went into selective outrage and stupidity mode. But the president can target certain groups that he expects to line up, be counted, and do his bidding.
How are his comments acceptable?
They're not. They're offensive. His tactics are not new for the Left, but they certainly are beneath the office of the president, who was elected to be the leader of all Americans, not just the pockets of people he feels he has in his back pockets.
Furthermore, as one of those Black Americans, I am insulted at the thought that anyone would expect me to take my place and do as I have done. The president ought to be familiar with the phrase, "You're gonna have to come correct"--and he's going to have to do just that if he wants to retain those seats come November.
Now, I'm just a teacher from the state of New York, but I have a novel idea for President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of those puppet masters in Washington. How about you offer all American people something to vote for? How about you embrace policies that will not put our children and their children in debt before they take their first breath? After all, perhaps more than all others, we "African-Americans and Latinos" are further hampered when we enter the world with that type of burden already upon our shoulders, and since you're so familiar with race, you should be well-aware of that.
I have another idea. How about you stop supporting the massacre of our children in the womb and calling it choice? Abortion is wiping out the Black and Latino populations more than any other. But of course, sir, you would know that, as you are a staunch advocate of Planned Parenthood, which purposely sets up shop in these communities. Margaret Sanger would be proud. That was her plan. How about that, Mr. President?
As an educator, Mr. Obama, I ask you to figure out a way to improve the educational success of the people you want to come out in droves for you in November. You can start in D.C. Then make your way to New York. Come to my school district, sir, where they will be cutting almost 50 jobs at the end of this school year. And we know the impact that will have on all, particularly the children of those "African-Americans and Latinos" you want to do you some favors at the poll. How about that?
One last idea. President Obama, how about you surround yourself with people who will stop telling these same groups of people that we're victims, and will start telling us the truth--that we can be victors not over-reliant on "the man"--you know, the government?
Yes, I'm outraged at the president's audacity of arrogance as he sits in front of his video camera and rallies the troops by pushing his same politics-as-usual nonsense that is detrimental to the very groups of people he's singling out and duping into submission. Give people something to work with, President, and maybe you won't have to resort to the same old, same old race games, because more and more of us are not moved by your race. We want results. So come correct or don't come at all.
Now, let's contrast President Obama's approach with that of Governor Palin. When she rallies Americans to remain encouraged and focus on November, she addresses all Americans. We all have a stake in the elections, as we all have been affected by the policies of the current administration.
This is just the beginning of our efforts to take back our country. Consider yesterday’s vote a clarion call and a spur to action. We will not let America sink into further debt without a fight. We will not abandon the American dream to government dependency, fewer freedoms and less opportunity. Change is made at the ballot box. If we work together, we can renew our optimistic pioneering spirit, revive our economy, and restore constitutional limits.
Stand tall, America. November is coming!
Governor Palin asks for all to take a stand by voting in November to undo some of this promised change the president is unfortunately delivering. She neither exempted nor exploited Blacks, Latinos, or even women. She spoke to people as people who care about their country.
While I'm sure that there are people who are inspired by Governor Palin because they relate to her as a woman, a wife, and mother, who find delight in perhaps casting their vote for one who may be the first female President of the United States, these same people often voice a desire to join with other Americans from all walks of life to move forward toward common sense solutions. She calls on them for that reason alone; they are Americans. And while I do find wisdom in reaching out to articulate our message to different communities, I do believe in coming correct to those people. And coming correct is not being presumptuous that you've got my vote in the bag. Coming correct is coming with a message of real hope and change, which is a message of uniting with all so that together we can move forward and better understand how each of us benefits from these solutions. Thus my support of Governor Palin; she comes correct.
In mid-March, before the vote that passed this government takeover of healthcare, Governor Palin wrote:
We know we’ll beat them at the ballot box, but we have to kill this bill before November. This is the final push. We must stand up and stand together one last time to insist on true market-oriented, patient-centered health care reform that reflects America’s values and the will of the people.
As I read these comments, I once again see a citizen leader who understands the necessity of all Americans to go to the ballot. While the president is asking certain groups to "stand together once again," to ride the wave of 2008, which is proving to be a washout to any one paying even a little attention, Governor Palin understands that we all have a stake in the direction of the country; therefore we all must "stand together."
Futhermore, the day after Scott Brown was elected in the Massachusetts' special election, Governor Palin wrote:
The special election yesterday in Massachusetts was truly amazing. It is a clear indication of things to come and a demonstration of the momentum we all share in the fight for the values and policies that will get our country back to work. The commonsense conservative principles of liberty and fiscal responsibility are on the rise, and that's why I'm going out and campaigning as hard as I can to make a difference. I can't wait to join all of you in supporting these great candidates and many more over the coming months.
Governor Palin's message in that note was clear: every one of us will benefit from the wave of common sense conservatism. Every person matters. Notice the words she consistently uses: "we all," "stand together," "all of you."
Governor Palin's focus is preserving America's values, her work ethic, and her future. She has set her gaze on 2010 and the support of candidates who will progress this nation. We're all in this. She doesn't take for granted that she owns certain groups of people, and she doesn't exclude anyone. She appeals to Americans--period--which is exactly the way conservatives and Tea Party activists always conduct themselves.
People like Governor Palin and Tea Partiers, who have never separated people into categories based on race, are accused of masking their prejudice by using coded language for "white America." Nonsense. Meanwhile, the President of the United States can come right out and say people need to basically bus Blacks and Latinos to the polls. Somehow that game plan is okay to Liberal loons because...well, that's what far Left Liberal racebaiters do. But Conservatives have a race problem?
Excuse the pun, but if that's not the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.
Remember when the radical left wing, including our President, as well as the squishy, gutless Republican "moderates" lost their minds when Sarah Palin said she wasn’t all that happy to know that her special needs son and aging parents would have to stand before Obama’s "death panels" and be evaluated before they received care? Yeah, me too.
There was a herculean effort to demonize Sarah Palin and to cover up the fact that there are indeed "death panels" to be set up to run ObamaCare. By the way...RomneyCare, the blueprint for ObamaCare, also has the same "death panels" and the health care rationing is already in progress.
And that’s what this is all about. We’ve talked about Dr Death, Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama’s health care adviser, and the creator of the "Complete Lives System," which advocates health care rationing to the really young, the old (50 and over) and the disabled. This cold, calculating, document goes into great detail concerning who "deserves" health care and who doesn’t.
Obviously, "death panels" is a metaphor for this evil system of health re-distribution that will lower the quality of care nationwide while greatly increasing the cost to the consumer. It’s why three out of four Americans want this entire unconstitutional and decidedly evil mess repealed and replaced with common sense reform that doesn’t involve the total government takeover of our lives.
Peter Orszag is the Budget Director for the Obama regime, he recently talked about the "death panels":
Related… Democrats ready insurance price controls to offset the huge insurance premium hikes Obamacare will trigger that they swore up and down Obamacare would not trigger.
About those huge insurance premium increases you are about to enjoy....(What, you thought you could add 30 million uninsured, plus ban "pre-existing conditions" for free? Silly you!)
Massachusetts is already trying to deal with skyrocketing premiums courtesy of Mitt Romney’s boondoggle. The answer? Prohibit the insurance companies from raising premiums, of course!
Typical Marxist tactic. This is why communism has failed every time it has been tried. You can’t force companies to sell their products at a loss. They can’t stay in business. With that said, courts in the Bay State have upheld the ban on raising premiums. RomneyCare is fixin’ to become a serious problem for residents of the state.
Predictably, Congress is looking at the same thing. This will drive insurance companies out of business, which was the end game all along, and put hundreds of thousands, if not millions out of work. Of course, the Marxists tell you not to cry for these businesses, because they are "evil" and only care about money. Well, these "evil" businesses are owned by stockholders, the average man on the street, who either owns shares outright, or through their retirement plan’s investment. The sort of lunacy Congress is pursuing will collapse our entire economy, which...of course...is the plan.
Reason Magazine has a great article concerning the coming premium hikes:
ObamaCare to Cost More Than Expected? Where Have I Heard This Before?
Peter Suderman
Today, as Nick Gillespie noted earlier, Washington is shocked, SHOCKED to learn that the Affordable Care Act might not be as easy to pay for as promised. According to an AP summary, a new report "found that the law falls short of the president's twin goal of controlling runaway costs, raising projected spending by about 1 percent over 10 years. That increase could get bigger, since Medicare cuts in the law may be unrealistic and unsustainable, the report warned."
But didn't budget-hottie Peter Orszag warn us not to be swayed by such obviously false charges? After all, ObamaCare is fiscally responsible! What clan of knee-jerk critics could have produced such a report? The libertarians at Cato? The conservatives at Heritage? The neocons at AEI? The socialists at Physicians for a National Health Plan?
Nor did the report's bad news stop there. It also "projected that Medicare cuts could drive about 15 percent of hospitals and other institutional providers into the red, 'possibly jeopardizing access' to care for seniors." So when the President told AARP members that "nobody is talking about reducing Medicare benefits," presumably he meant nobody but, um, Medicare's chief actuary. But that doesn't really count, does it?
ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster, and it hasn’t even taken effect yet. It’s the typical product of the Big Government-Union-Industrial Complex. What’s sad is America had the canary in the coal mine to warn us. RomneyCare is a failure of biblical proportions, and it just keeps getting worse.
What makes us chuckle the most about this though is the fact that Sarah Palin, the hockey mom and moose hunter from Alaska, has once again proven to be smarter than her detractors. It’s funny, in her impassioned speech at the Republican National Convention, as she accepted the vice presidential nomination, she warned of the problems of electing Barack Obama, and the grave damage he, and his minions, would do to our country. So far every single ominous prediction she made has come true.
At some point one would think it would be prudent for the so-called "smart people" to start listening to this woman when she speaks. She’s batting 1000 so far.
When Sarah Palin spoke at a Right to Life event in Evansville, IN on 04/16/09, it was the first time she really stepped foot out of the state of Alaska since the election and the left's reaction to it must have told her then that life as she knew it would never be the same after returning from her national run for the vice presidency. The Alaska bloggers, the liberal press and some in the state legislature criticized her for leaving the state. The frivolous ethics violations were piling up. Sarah Palin was "heading toward an iceberg" as one nasty blogger put it shortly after that. Sarah Palin was in fact reaching the point where she would be putting her political life on the line.
By June of 2009, Sarah Palin knew that she was going to be resigning her governorship when she gave a speech to introduce Michael Reagan. She was in the process of working it out with her family and her advisers then. On 07/03/09 a nervous but optimistic Sarah stepped up to the mic and announced her resignation as Alaska Governor.
The undertones of "if I die, I die" at the Reagan speech would not be fully understood until her resignation announcement. Faced with the prospect of being bankrupted and politically destroyed, Sarah made the gutsiest move a politician could ever make: she stepped down for the good of the state and what ultimately may become the good of the country. She would not be silenced by frivolous ethics complaints, a hostile local media (think Anchorage Daily News), a state legislature that was more interested in its own political interests than the Alaskan people's and a national mainstream media who beat her like a rented mule knowing all the time that the protocols and restraints of being a governor shackled her to the point where she could not effectively fight back at a time when the people's business of Alaska was sidetracked and America was falling into decline.
It's been a year since Sarah hid that secret in her heart as she spoke to the group in Evansville and then again in Alaska at the Michael Reagan event. It's a maddening thing when you read press accounts of Palin resigning just so she could go out and line her own pockets. Sarah Palin could have easily taken the speaking gigs, did the documentaries and stashed the money in an account so that she, Todd and the kids could go on elaborate vacations and buy nice snow machines, boats and houses. That's not what she's doing.
She is becoming wealthy because she understands the concept that in order to become rich you must envision the amount of money you want to obtain and have a purpose for earning that money. Napolean Hill, the writer of Think and Grow Rich, tells us you just can't say to yourself "I want to be rich." Without a burning desire and a purpose, you cannot attract success and you cannot attract money.
I think I understand Sarah Palin's purpose.
Sarah Palin wants to save our country. And she's doing it for us.
Dispute me on that opinion and I will ask you "why doesn't she just take the $12 million she just earned and go live happily ever after on an island somewhere?" I'm ashamed to say that I've had thoughts enter my mind that if it was me that's probably what I would do. Give the world the ole Italian salute and be gone I'd say.
That's why Sarah Palin is a better person than me. But my world and its potential to afford me the opportunities to earn the kind of money she earns now will only be safeguarded because of her and those who agree with the economic philosophy that she so strongly campaigns for.
Ronald Reagan would be so proud of her.
When Reagan passed away in 2004, he left an empty seat at the table - a seat which I thought would remain empty for decades to come. Sarah Palin has earned the right to sit in that seat.
Sarah Palin beat the Kobayashi Maru. She defeated the unwinnable scenario. Palin said that if the left destroys her and she politically dies so be it. But I know that if that ever happened, Sarah would not sit down and shut up until her final political breath. Cast into the cold darkness of the Alaskan night, a bankrupt woman with maybe enough words to pen a book to keep food on her table and a roof over her head, she could have still looked herself in the mirror and said "I did all I could do." As Art Williams once said "all you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough."
Sarah did not play it safe. She threw it all on the line when she resigned. Then she put it in God's hands and went to work. In the absence of money sweat equity is your capital. Palin made the sacrafices necessary that would make anyone worthy of the abundance which they receive. She could have lost it all. But instead, she has become a powerful political figure and a mammoth in the resistance movement. She had to save her family. She had to save her state. She had to save her political party. And now she has to save her country. That's a lot of work.
As for the money she is making now: that's not because she resigned and wrote a book. She earned every dime of that money years ago breaking her fingers and working her ass off on Todd's fishing boat, pounding the pavement in Wasilla to get enough votes to be elected city counselwoman, driving the car thousands of miles over ice and snow covered roads to campaign for governor and taking a pounding in the press when she ran for vice president. The universe is finally rewarding Sarah Palin and it's about time.
When you see her on stage she's a happy warrior who looks like she hasn't a care in the world. She tells us our better days are yet to come with a smile on her face and not the slightest doubt in her voice. She is folksy, asking us how that hopey changey thing is. She is caricatured by the media as an empty headed bimbo. You could never tell from looking at her what kind of a burden this woman has had on her shoulders all these years. And many still can't see what a behemoth she is going to become in the future. To quote Michele Bachmann "the world is her oyster."
Let's give her the world. It's the least we can do for her after all she's doing for us.
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