Governor Palin has just reached two million Facebook friends. Two million! Now, to grasp the enormity of such a feat, let's digest for a moment exactly how much two million is by looking first at some fun facts. Via True Knowledge:
* There are 20,000 centuries in 2,000,000 years.
* There are about 5,475.8 years in 2,000,000 days.
* There are 83,333 1/3 days in 2,000,000 hours.
* There are 33,333 1/3 hours in 2,000,000 minutes.
* There are 1,136 4/11 miles in 2,000,000 yards.
* There are 666,666 2/3 yards in 2,000,000 feet.
* There are 166,666 2/3 feet in 2,000,000 inches.
It's hard to wrap one's mind around that number, yet Governor Palin--a woman who holds no official title anymore--already has over 2,000,000 Facebook friends! How long would it take to count us all? In answer to the question of how long it would take to count even half that amount, Big Site of Amazing Facts states:
Naturally, that depends on how fast you can count.
But if you can count from 1 to 100 in one minute, and you keep counting every minute, without stopping, for eight hours every day (taking time off to eat, sleep, and go to school), you would reach 1,000,000 in 20 days, 6 hours, and 40 minutes, or almost 3 weeks.
If, however, you give up eating, sleeping, and school, and just count every minute of every hour of every day, you would reach 1,000,000 in 6 days, 22 hours, and 40 minutes, almost 1 week.
Being an English teacher and not a mathematician, I would guess it would take more than twice that to arrive at two million, as one would surely slow down during the process of all that counting--not that one would even dare undertake such a tedious task. But I'm celebrating the Governor's success, so you'll simply have to excuse me.
On a more serious note now, let's examine the number of Facebook friends of those whose names get mentioned alongside Governor Palin's in the ongoing 2012 conversation.
Mitt "Flip-Flop" Romney, whom Bill O'Reilly just divulged to Jay Leno is his 2012 favorite, has a whopping 468,436 Facebook friends.
Mike "They Like Palin Because She's Cuter than I am" Huckabee has 371,959 friends on Facebook, which is listed near a plea that states, "Help me reach 375,000 likes." O...kay...
Newt Gingrich, who has recently stated he is seriously considering running in 2012, has a total of 70,311 Facebook friends.
And wouldn't I be remiss if I left out Ron Paul who boasts hordes of very vocal young and, I would imagine, internet-savvy supporters? This "Ron Paul Revolution," as they have been called, has fortified him with a 239,427 Facebook total.
Let me state the obvious. Governor Palin's common sense conservatism has grabbed both the hearts and intellect of women and men who want to see order restored to our government. Two million is a huge number, but it in no way is the sum total of those who support the work she is doing. Many of her supporters don't do Facebook, just as many don't do Twitter. But most every one of us can do the Governor and America a huge service: we can donate to SarahPAC so that her influence can not only continue but accelerate.
Is there any other voice out there sounding the alarm for you, your family, your businesses, and your freedoms as is Governor Palin's? She is traveling the country garnering support for others who are following her lead in taking back our country. She doesn't cower in fear before putting her name to a candidate's face or to a controversial issue, even when it earns her the acidic vitriol of the Left--and some on the Right. It takes finances to do the job she's doing. We've already established how big a number two million is, so two million people giving whatever they can will go far distances and reap even far greater rewards. You can read more posts about the SarahPAC money bomb here and here.
Congratulations, Governor Palin, on The Big Two--and thank you to all who helped get her here. Now, let's BLAST the Money Bomb!
* Facebook stats appears as they were at the time of this writing.