Wednesday, August 19, 2009
They Just Don't Get It: A Post by Conservative Girl with a Voice
The thing that upsets me most is that people continue to bash Sarah without ever taking the time to actually get to know her. They think they know her, but they don't. As I have stated in a previous post ("A True Modern-Day Feminist") , Sarah represents everything liberal women have fought so hard against. Her very existence drives them mad. They are so closed minded that they are unable to see the Sarah we have come to know and love. If only they opened their eyes, the would see what we see. As a young conservative, I have no problem with someone disagreeing with politicians based upon political ideology, but taking personal cheapshots is uncalled for. When liberals bash Sarah's family, they are bashing her as well. Trig was not paraded around anymore than Barack Obama and Joe Biden's children and grandchildren were. During the campaign, Sarah's children did not pose for "People Magazine" or "US Weekly" week after week, not that there was anything wrong with that. It should be up to the parents, not outsiders to decide these decisions. The only reason liberals did not like seeing Sarah and her children together at events and on stage at the Republican National Convention is because it was a reminder to them that she CHOSE life; she CHOSE to carry her sweet baby with Down Syndrome to full-term. Even the women on "The View" could not understand why a woman would do this to her children. Perhaps Elisabeth Hasselbeck put it best when she said Sarah Palin is no different than any other proud parent. As the wife of a professional football player, she said she could relate to Sarah because there were times when her kids would be up at odd hours just so they could see their daddy after a game. You can't take back the time spent with your children, so grab any precious moments you can. It is easy to see that the Palin children are not only loved but nurtured as well. Todd and Sarah have two adult children who know have learned the value of hard work. Track is risking his life to protect his country, and Bristol is a wonderful mother who chose life. In choosing life, she is now helping other young girls by speaking out about the value of abstinence and the hardships that come with being a young mother. She is a great role model for young women and other young mothers to see that they too can complete their education and be successful. She wants to make a life for herself without depending on the goverment. Willow and Piper are two young girls with bright futures ahead of them, and little Trig and Tripp are two little boys who are growing up surrounded by a lot of love. Todd and Sarah have instilled in their children great values, and this is present in the way in which they lead their lives.
Just because Sarah was a governor, did not mean she couldn't fullfill her duties as governor while raising her family. It burns me up when I hear liberals say that she should never have worked after learning that she would be having a child with special needs. So, let me get this straight: They want Sarah to play the role of dutiful housewife just because she has a child with Down Syndrome? What year is this, 1950? I'm sorry but you don't hear the left telling a democratic politician with a special needs child that he/she shouldn't be working? Not only is this a sexist, discriminatory statement, but it is downright disgusting. This is yet another symptom of Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS). How dare the left treat Sarah or her child as if they were any different than any other individual? This is another problem with today's society. Instead of embracing Sarah as the strong woman she is, and Trig as the beautiful child he is, the left feels the need to dictate how she should and should not parent. I guarantee no one ever questioned Michelle Obama while she was making over $300,000/year working for a Chicage hospital why she wasn't staying at home full-time to be with her children, or asking Joe Biden why he remained Delaware's senator after his first wife died in a car crash when his two sons were so young? Instead, both Michelle and Joe were praised for being able to juggle both duties as parent and employee, which they should be. Why can't Sarah be given the same respect and praise? I know why, and you know why, fellow readers. It is because Sarah has an "R" after her name. Even though she is a maverick, blazes her own trail, and does not walk with the Washington herd, the liberal left's extreme hatred for her makes her a target. The very fact that she is a conservative woman is yet another reason (For more on Sarah and the treatment she receives by women on the liberal left, please read my post "A True Modern-Day Feminist."). In questioning the president and his policies, the left claim she is asking for it. What ever happened to our First Amendment right to question our leaders? It is scary to think what our country could look in three years, let alone what restrictions our leaders may put on our right to speak out and voice our concerns.
I just wish the liberal left would let go of their personal hatred for Sarah and stick to her record as city council member, mayor and governor. It is real disheartening that every time I ask someone what it is that makes them dislike Sarah, it always turns personal, and these loons are praised and cheered by the liberal msm. Yet, when a conservative or someone who disagrees with President Obama is asked why they don't like him and these people give political reasoning or political ideology as a response, they are called racist, angry mobsters (See my post "Sarah is Right, Again"). Sarah is a good, honest woman- a woman I am proud to call a role model. In responding to my mother's friend, I told her:
"Sarah gives me hope that I may hold a political office one day. She worked hard to get to the point in which she is in. As someone who did not go to a fancy ivy league school, she proves that if you work hard, you can accomplish great things. She is a great mother who loves her children and treats them as equals. She and Todd love their son Trig so much so that they chose to give him life when so many babies with special needs are aborted. I commend them for that and forever will hold them in high regard for doing so."
Sarah illustrated her love for her children in her decision to resign. In resigning, she put her family above party; furthermore, she put her love for America and its people above the politics-as-usual approach so many have become accustomed to. Name me another politician who has ever done that? She is living proof that you do not need to hold a public title in order to accomplish great things. This is a woman who KNOWS what is important. Not only is she a loving mother, but a woman with a servant's heart. Sarah has already done great things outside of the governor's office. One of the most important things she has done is helping to shed light on the Healthcare plans the Obama Administration has for America. It was because of her that the "death panel" language was removed from the House version of the bill. When Sarah speaks, people listen. Although people may not agree with her, they take notice. I encourage you all to become a fan of Sarah on her facebook page: We live during a time in which you don't know whom to trust because it seems as if no one is listening, but I know and you know whom we can trust: Sarah. She HAS proven that she DOES listen to us and hears us loud and clear; it's about time. We NEED Sarah's voice during these troubling times!
(I'm a Conservative Girl with a Voice! Visit my blog and become a follower-Thanks so much:
Sarah Palin & I Want to Know: Why is "Drill, Baby, Drill" Okay for Brazil but not US?
I have felt a bit out of the loop since being down in Long Island. I hate to disappoint you all, but I don't come from a family of people who sit around watching "fair and balanced" Fox News. So I have a few things to catch up on now that I'm back.
One thing I heard in passing, however, was that the United States will be financing drilling in Brazil. It was a quick "hear," and my first thought at that point was, How is it that we are able to help pay for another country's drilling when Washington seems intent on keeping us from doing the same thing here at home?
Followed by that thought was this one: Sarah Palin will have something to say about this!
She did not disappoint.
Read what she wrote on got it...Facebook page. And after reading it, answer this for me: "Is there anyone else making more sense than she is right now?" As Fox News says, so say I: "We report; you decide."
Today at 3:10am
Today's Wall Street Journal contains some puzzling news for all Americans who are impacted by high energy prices and who share the goal of moving us toward energy independence.
For years, states rich with an abundance of oil and natural gas have been begging Washington, DC politicians for the right to develop their own natural resources on federal lands and off shore. Such development would mean good paying jobs here in the United States (with health benefits) and the resulting royalties and taxes would provide money for federal coffers that would potentially off-set the need for higher income taxes, reduce the federal debt and deficits, or even help fund a trillion dollar health care plan if one were so inclined to support such a plan.
So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than two billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, can drill off shore and create jobs developing its own resources? That's all Americans want; but such rational energy development has been continually thwarted by rabid environmentalists, faceless bureaucrats and a seemingly endless parade of lawsuits aimed at shutting down new energy projects.
I'll speak for the talent I have personally witnessed on the oil fields in Alaska when I say no other country in the world has a stronger workforce than America, no other country in the world has better safety standards than America, and no other country in the world has stricter environmental standards than America. Come to Alaska to witness how oil and gas can be developed simultaneously with the preservation of our eco-system. America has the resources. We deserve the opportunity to develop our resources no less than the Brazilians. Millions of Americans know it is true: "Drill, baby, drill." Alaska is proof you can drill and develop, and preserve nature, with its magnificent caribou herds passing by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), completely unaffected. One has to wonder if Obama is playing politics and perhaps refusing a "win" for some states just to play to the left with our money.
The new Gulf of Mexico lease sales tomorrow sound promising and perhaps will move some states in the right direction, but we all know that the extreme environmentalists who serve to block progress elsewhere, including in Alaska, continue to block opportunities. These environmentalists are putting our nation in peril and forcing us to rely on unstable and hostile foreign countries. Mr. Obama can stop the extreme tactics and exert proper government authority to encourage resource development and create jobs and health benefits in the U.S.; instead, he chooses to use American dollars in Brazil that will help to pay the salaries and benefits for Brazilians to drill for resources when the need and desire is great in America.
Buy American is a wonderful slogan, but you can't say in one breath that you want to strengthen our economy and stimulate it, and then in another ship our much-needed dollars to a nation desperate to drill while depriving us of the same opportunity.
- Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin: Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work...
Today's Wall Street Journal contains some puzzling news for all Americans who are impacted by high energy prices and who share the goal of moving us toward energy independence (Palin, 2009, ¶1).
For years, states rich with an abundance of oil and natural gas have been begging Washington, DC politicians for the right to develop their own natural resources on federal lands and off shore. Such development would mean good paying jobs here in the United States (with health benefits) and the resulting royalties and taxes would provide money for federal coffers that would potentially off-set the need for higher income taxes, reduce the federal debt and deficits, or even help fund a trillion dollar health care plan if one were so inclined to support such a plan (Palin, 2009, ¶2).
So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than two billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, can drill off shore and create jobs developing its own resources? That's all Americans want; but such rational energy development has been continually thwarted by rabid environmentalists, faceless bureaucrats and a seemingly endless parade of lawsuits aimed at shutting down new energy projects (Palin, 2009, ¶3).
I'll speak for the talent I have personally witnessed on the oil fields in Alaska when I say no other country in the world has a stronger workforce than America, no other country in the world has better safety standards than America, and no other country in the world has stricter environmental standards than America. Come to Alaska to witness how oil and gas can be developed simultaneously with the preservation of our eco-system. America has the resources. We deserve the opportunity to develop our resources no less than the Brazilians. Millions of Americans know it is true: "Drill, baby, drill." Alaska is proof you can drill and develop, and preserve nature, with its magnificent caribou herds passing by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), completely unaffected. One has to wonder if Obama is playing politics and perhaps refusing a "win" for some states just to play to the left with our money (Palin, 2009, ¶4).
The new Gulf of Mexico lease sales tomorrow sound promising and perhaps will move some states in the right direction, but we all know that the extreme environmentalists who serve to block progress elsewhere, including in Alaska, continue to block opportunities. These environmentalists are putting our nation in peril and forcing us to rely on unstable and hostile foreign countries. Mr. Obama can stop the extreme tactics and exert proper government authority to encourage resource development and create jobs and health benefits in the U.S.; instead, he chooses to use American dollars in Brazil that will help to pay the salaries and benefits for Brazilians to drill for resources when the need and desire is great in America (Palin, 2009, ¶5).
Buy American is a wonderful slogan, but you can't say in one breath that you want to strengthen our economy and stimulate it, and then in another ship our much-needed dollars to a nation desperate to drill while depriving us of the same opportunity (Palin, 2009, ¶6).
- Sarah Palin
Unlike most politicians today, Governor Palin practices the politics of progress. Her statement really should be painfully obvious. It is simple common sense and does not require a rocket scientist to analyze.
Very simply put, the Obama administration should be investing taxpayer dollars in domestic energy production, which means drilling in our waters and on our lands. We have the technology to do this in an environmentally responsible manner. We need to dispel the myth that oil drilling in the United States is synonymous with environmental destruction. It is not.
We import over 60% of our oil. A significant amount of that originates from nations which do not have our best interests at heart. This is not just an economic issue; it is a national security issue. Domestic energy production will bring greater peace, because it will extricate us from being involved with enemy nations.
The Obama administration very clearly has its priorities in the wrong place. The United States' priority for energy production should be the United States, not Brazil -- or anywhere else.
In addition to the uses Governor Palin suggested, $2 billion is money that can be spent on building refineries on land which held closed military bases. We have not built a refinery in 30 years.
Governor Palin is spot dead on with this. Just as she was with health care -- despite protestations to the contrary from some. She is thinking about what is in this country's best interests and delineated her thought process very succinctly and cogently.
Obama and his entire administration are bent on leading us down the road to being a dependent, mediocre socialist state. His "thought processes" -- for lack of a better term -- are the problem and mirror nearly 40 years of the same miserably failed ideologies pertaining to energy that got us into this predicament in the first instance. He promised "hope and change," but what he is giving instead is really more of the same.
Governor Palin absolutely is the one who offers true hope and change.
Palin, S.L.H. (2009, August 19). "Your tax dollars hard at work: First cars, now foreign oil." FaceBook, Sarah Palin. Retrieved August 19, 2009 from:
Sarah Palin, The World's Greatest: A Tribute
Sarah Palin scored a great victory for the American people this past week, while putting Barack Obama and the entire democrat/communist party on the defensive. Obama was even forced to postpone his vacation and attempt to save his liberty and freedom stealing Obamacare fiasco!
While Palin eloquently issued simple, but powerful, statements on the evils of Obamacare, Obama himself held townhall meetings where he had to have planted guests posing as regular Americans to throw him softball questions that he couldn't even answer correctly.
Obama, who sounded confused, disjointed, and rambling not only failed to counter Sarah Palin's strong charges, but dug himself a bigger hole with the American people, further destroying the little credibility he has with America's citizenry.
It was an incredible victory for America, and for Sarah Palin.
Note to the GOP, this is how you defeat Barack Obama's swift march to communism! You take Obama head on, and you never stop!
The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto, wrote simply: Palin Wins.
Others singing Sarah's praises , include Robert A George from NBC"s San Fransisco's affiliate who cautions the non-believers to take heed, as Sarah Palin is still the GOP's superstar.
On the heels of all of this, Seth Adam Smith, one of our friends at Conservatives4Palin brings us this great video as a tribute to an amazing woman, Sarah Palin.
Governor Palin: “Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work: 1st Cars, Now Foreign Oil”

Today's Wall Street Journal contains some puzzling news for all Americans who are impacted by high energy prices and who share the goal of moving us toward energy independence.
For years, states rich with an abundance of oil and natural gas have been begging Washington, DC politicians for the right to develop their own natural resources on federal lands and off shore. Such development would mean good paying jobs here in the United States (with health benefits) and the resulting royalties and taxes would provide money for federal coffers that would potentially off-set the need for higher income taxes, reduce the federal debt and deficits, or even help fund a trillion dollar health care plan if one were so inclined to support such a plan.
So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than two billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, can drill off shore and create jobs developing its own resources? That's all Americans want; but such rational energy development has been continually thwarted by rabid environmentalists, faceless bureaucrats and a seemingly endless parade of lawsuits aimed at shutting down new energy projects.
I'll speak for the talent I have personally witnessed on the oil fields in Alaska when I say no other country in the world has a stronger workforce than America, no other country in the world has better safety standards than America, and no other country in the world has stricter environmental standards than America. Come to Alaska to witness how oil and gas can be developed simultaneously with the preservation of our eco-system. America has the resources. We deserve the opportunity to develop our resources no less than the Brazilians. Millions of Americans know it is true: "Drill, baby, drill." Alaska is proof you can drill and develop, and preserve nature, with its magnificent caribou herds passing by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), completely unaffected. One has to wonder if Obama is playing politics and perhaps refusing a "win" for some states just to play to the left with our money.
The new Gulf of Mexico lease sales tomorrow sound promising and perhaps will move some states in the right direction, but we all know that the extreme environmentalists who serve to block progress elsewhere, including in Alaska, continue to block opportunities. These environmentalists are putting our nation in peril and forcing us to rely on unstable and hostile foreign countries. Mr. Obama can stop the extreme tactics and exert proper government authority to encourage resource development and create jobs and health benefits in the U.S.; instead, he chooses to use American dollars in Brazil that will help to pay the salaries and benefits for Brazilians to drill for resources when the need and desire is great in America.
Buy American is a wonderful slogan, but you can't say in one breath that you want to strengthen our economy and stimulate it, and then in another ship our much-needed dollars to a nation desperate to drill while depriving us of the same opportunity.
- Sarah Palin
August 19, 2009 Synopsis of Governor Palin's Accomplishments
When she left office, Governor Palin said, "I will be able to fight even harder for you – for what is right and for the truth. And I have never felt that you need a title to do that." True to those words, Governor Palin accomplished this feat as a private citizen, having been out of office nary two weeks. Using FaceBook, she bypassed the mainstream media and got her message out unfiltered, awaking an otherwise apathetic public.
When she left office, Governor Palin had around 550,000 supporters on FaceBook. As of this writing, the number of supporters stands at 799,287 -- just shy of 800,000. Her former gubernatorial Twitter Page is still gaining followers and as of this writing has 138,045. No date has been set for when this page will transition to a new name and Tweeting will resume.
Governor Palin received five awards at the National Rifle Association's XVIII Gun Collectors Seminar in Anchorage for defending our Second Amendment rights. The most significant of these awards is a Benefactor Membership in the NRA, which is a $5,000 addition to the Life Membership, which as of this writing is $1,000 (The NRA has an Easy Pay option, where the membership is paid off in quarterly installments over 10 years). The second award -- a Gold Medal of Merit for the Promotion of Gun Collecting had not been awarded to anyone in 10 years. The remaining three awards were life memberships at gun collector groups in Missouri, Ohio, and Texas.
Various media reports stated that Governor Palin briefly visited New York City to meet with Harper Collins regarding her book deal. While the trip itself is not an accomplishment, the book deal most definitely is. Governor Palin's autobiography is expected to be released in the spring of 2010.
Complete stories at:
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