I am a supporter of Gov. Palin from Staten Island, N.Y., and blog exclusively about her accomplishments, an activity I find particularly uplifting and inspirational. For anyone who harbors doubts about Gov. Palin’s service, as a point of comparison, I have lived in New York for all of my 40 years. In this period, we have had seven governors dating back to six years before Gov. Palin was born. All seven of them combined — from both parties — have not accomplished anywhere near what Sarah Palin has in the seven months that have passed for 2009 alone. Our current governor is routinely lambasted for being “hapless” and having no leadership skills whatsoever. His predecessor’s claim to fame is being “Client No. 9” of a prostitution ring. His Republican predecessor subjected our state to 11 solid years of corruption, which was preceded by 11 years of corruption from a Democrat. I can continue back to 1959, but suffice it say not one of our seven governors have accomplished anything noteworthy – in 50 years (Devito, 2009, ¶1).
I am compiling a master list of Gov. Palin’s 2009 accomplishments — a project that has taken several hours and is nowhere near finished. I had to build a team of authors on my blog just to cover her accomplishments. There are simply too many in volume, size, scale and scope to be covered by one person. Sarah Palin accomplished every goal set forth when she campaigned to be your state’s governor. Her staff remains and is on the same page with her. She is a textbook transformational leader — the type studied in MBA courses. She performed her service with honor, grace and to the highest of standards (Devito, 2009, ¶2).
Free of gubernatorial limitations and unbound from the shackles of frivolous ethics complaints, Gov. Palin can and will accomplish even more for Alaska and for our nation. Everything she has done thus far will pale in (pun intended) comparison to what she is about to do (Devito, 2009, ¶3).
Devito, R. (2009, July 29). "Palin isn't done yet." Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. Retrieved July 10, 2009 from: http://www.frontiersman.com/articles/2009/07/10/opinion/letters/doc4a56b220c68e7291002089.txt