If it is so important to the left to stop Sarah Palin from running for President, then it is that much more important that she run - and win!
Opinions expressed on this site are solely the responsibility of the site's authors and any guest authors whose material is posted here. This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee.
Columbia, SC - Today, the Haley for Governor campaign is proud to announce that former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be joining Representative Nikki Haley in Columbia tomorrow evening, Friday, May 14th, in support of her candidacy for Governor.
In response to Governor Palin's endorsement, Nikki Haley said "It is a tremendous honor to receive Governor Palin's endorsement. Sarah Palin has energized the conservative movement like few others in our generation. She has helped millions of Americans find the power of their voice. I am extremely proud that she has offered her support to my candidacy."
As a basketball enthusiast, there's a special appreciation in my heart for Governor Palin's most recent Facebook note. I believe in sports, I've played them all my life, and I know how much work it takes to excel. I played soccer, basketball, volleyball, and softball. My favorite, even to this day, is basketball. It's the sport where I've always felt the most at home. For me, it's where creativity flourishes, hard work pays off, and games are won--and I'm all about winning.
As an adult player and coach, I still herald the values of the game. Having coached girls high school varsity basketball for years, I understand how hard girls work--and often without the accolades of their male counterparts. They play for the sheer love of the game most of the time.
My last two regular seasons coaching yielded great rewards for my student-athletes. We set records, beat everybody in our conference and beyond who stepped on the court, and earned both the respect and fear of our opponents. My second to last season, we won our conference championship--the first time in the history of the school, and we did it again the next year.
We didn't get to that point accidentally. Our team was made up of a core group of girls who worked hard for years, our team practiced six days a week, and we made it our goal to be the best conditioned team on the floor. The result? Victory.
And after all that hard work, talent, and passion, I cannot imagine anyone--for some political reason--having told my girls they couldn't go to a tournament, especially when the boycott is based on a twisting of the actual law. Let's leave our warped perspectives out of our kids' sports opportunities. They deserve better than that. I agree with Governor Palin: our girls need to do their job and play ball, and our president needs to do his job and secure the border. If President Obama would just do what he's supposed to do, our girls could do what they worked so hard to do, and they wouldn't be caught up in this political madness.
This has-been ball player/Wasilla Warrior would like to send a shout out of support to the Highland Park High School Giants Girls Basketball Team in Illinois. These girls have been working, having bake sales, and saving money for months in order play in a hoop tournament in Arizona. They’ve won their school’s first conference title in 26 years, but now because a school bureaucrat – an assistant superintendent – wants to play politics, they’re not allowed to play ball.
Keeping girls off the court for political reasons? As I said last night in Illinois: “Them’s fightin’ words.”
The assistant superintendent claims that a trip to Arizona “would not be aligned with our beliefs and values.” But apparently the school has no problem sending kids on trips to China, which has a population control policy that is anti-girl in practice – contributing to female infanticide and abandonment and sex-selective abortions. So, is China – with its many serious human rights violations (too many to list here) – “aligned” with the “values and beliefs” of the school? But our sister-state of Arizona is not? Really? This is ridiculous and totally unfair to the girls who just want to play ball. Going to Arizona to play in a tournament will not endanger them, and the ban sure doesn’t solve the problem of unsecured borders.
These boycotts of Arizona will not help the state or lead to positive change. Economic and political boycotts of our nation’s 48th state will hurt all Arizonans – including all members of the Hispanic community. If people really want to help, they should tell President Obama to do his job: secure the border. If he were to do his job, the good people of Arizona, who have been overwhelmed by violence on their border, would not feel compelled to do it for him.
In the meantime, let’s help the girls “go rogue” and go play ball. Please take a look at this Facebook page set up on their behalf.
Let’s have our own bake sale! Let the girls play ball!
- Sarah Palin
UPDATE: Earlier today, Governor Palin was on with Megyn Kelly discussing this issue. See the video below.
Governor Palin electrified the Rosemont Theater at one of her "Evening with Sarah Palin" events, May 12, 2010, with a 40-minute speech, first addressing ethics, transparency, openness, and rooting out corruption. She called on those present to "clean house" just as was done in Alaska where several corrupt politicians are serving lengthy prison terms.
Gov. Palin said that we should express out thoughts about Obama's transformation of our country at the ballot box and embrace common-sense conservative principles. She called for a restoration of self-reliance, strong work ethic, personal responsibility, respect for life, freedom, and a strong national defense. The stronger we are, the more peaceful the world will be, Gov. Palin said.
"We can and must learn from the remarkable leadership of Reagan, whether it comes to the economy or national security. History has proven that Reagan's common-sense conservative principles and values, and his actions were right for America then and they are right for America today."
"Americans loved him, because he reminded us that we have every right to tell our elected politicians to quit lecturing us and listen to us," she continued. "Reagan did not win his arguments in Washington...he resonated with average, every-day Americans."
"Reagan spoke with us. He did not speak at us."
"In a republic, the way it should work, the American people imposed their will through him."
Gov. Palin said that Reagan "focused on kids...on the future of America." He "stood on" and "championed freedom." She referenced his "outrageous directness, which we loved and craved," when dealing with the Soviet Union. "His vision for the Cold War: We win. They lose."
On terrorism, Gov. Palin said that Washington, DC is mired in political correctness, pussyfooting around, and kowtowing. "The terrorists have not changed their lines; they have not changed their tune in the last year and a half. And Washington's personal letters, and their bowing and kowtowing isn't [solving] the problem. Evil people are still dead-set against us, because we're all about freedom, we're all about human rights, and our allies - their freedom and security - they're still against that....It's war over there so it won't be war over here," she said.
"Only limited government can provide equality and prosperity for all - only limited government," Gov. Palin said.
"Freedom is a God-given right, and freedom is worth fighting for. America's finest - our men and women in uniform - are a force for [Reagan conservative] principles that will usher in a new era of American prosperity. It starts with us. It does start today. Let's take our country back. You can do it. You've got the roots here in Illinois, " Gov. Palin concluded.
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