Opinions expressed on this site are solely the responsibility of the site's authors and any guest authors whose material is posted here. This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee.
By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com
C4P's Ian Lazaran
reports the following poll that shows Governor Palin leading the 2012 GOP Primary:
The Daily Kos pollster finds her in the lead:
Palin 21%
Gingrich 19%
Romney 18%
Huckabee 16%
Paul 5%
Pawlenty 5%
Thune 3%
Daniels 2%
Read more good news from Ian
By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com
SarahPAC, Governor Palin's political action committee, continues to raise an impressive amount of money as she does the necessary work of supporting conservatives around the nation.
After conversing with Tim Crawford, SarahPAC's treasurer,
TIME reports:
Sarah Palin raised $469,000 between Oct. 13 and Nov. 22 bringing her total for the year to over $3 million, Tim Crawford, SarahPAC's treasurer, told TIME exclusively. Crawford attributed the surge of funds to energy surrounding the midterm elections, Palin's endorsements and her TLC reality show “Sarah Palin's Alaska.” Her second book, America By Heart, came out Nov. 23.
The PAC spent $64,000 buying advance copies of her books, “just as we did last year” with her first book, Going Rogue, Crawford said. “They're a great fundraising tool for us.” Palin is in the midst of a two-week cross-country book tour.
Overall the PAC spent $581,000 between Oct. 13 and Nov. 22. A larger percentage than normal was spent on contributions to political candidates, $244,000, as Palin tried to help her 81-endosed candidates over the Nov. 2 finish line. Fifty-five of them won.
All of the $469,000 was raised online or through direct mail. The former Alaska governor has had only two fundraisers for her PAC this year – the last one this past summer -- compared to Mitt Romney's nine. Crawford expects to file his report to the Federal Election Commission this afternoon.
Ian Lazaren
reminds us:
These numbers are in addition to the $300,000 that she raised in the first half of October. It's great that she's on pace to match her numbers from last quarter during a time that is typically a dead period for PAC fundraising. Her numbers are even more impressive considering that she has pretty much done no fundraising.
You can donate to her PAC here.