If it is so important to the left to stop Sarah Palin from running for President, then it is that much more important that she run - and win!
Opinions expressed on this site are solely the responsibility of the site's authors and any guest authors whose material is posted here. This site is not authorized or operated by Governor Palin, her staff, or any other candidate or committee.
We have been reporting on the massive blow Barack Obama has done to our national security, and how his hostile take over of Sarah Palin’s gasline project is an attempt to either take credit for this project as his own, or to simply shut it down.
We are busily researching all of the ins and outs, and the relationships between Obama’s new "Pipeline Czar" Larry Persily, and members of the "Corrupt Bastards Club" in Alaska. So there will be a lot more to come on this.
For now, Sarah Palin is speaking out against yet another evil Barack Obama is visiting on the American people and the American economy. If you notice, one of the first things Sarah talks about is the deal Obama made with Brazil.
Last year, a mere three days after Obama’s puppet master, and self proclaimed "owner of the democrat party," George Soros, bought controlling interest in Brazilian oil giant, Petrobas, our President loaned Brazil $10 BILLION American tax payer dollars. Chicago thug politics at it’s finest.
Now, in what can only be seen as a way to help his master out, Barack Obama has banned all off shore drilling in America. This is beyond evil, but really par for the course from the most corrupt man to ever step foot in the White House.
Let’s let Sarah tell us what’s on her mind:
Nonstop D.C. Nonsense: Drilling Down on Energy Doublespeak
It may be tempting to feel worn down as we take one step after another towards the "fundamental transformation of America" that Barack Obama promised. But we mustn’t let our energy be sapped, even in the face of the mind-boggling leap the Obama Administration just took that fundamentally shifts us towards more reliance on foreign energy sources. Hang on to your hat and take a look at this.
Months ago I discussed Washington’s decision to allow U.S. dollars to flow to Brazil for that nation’s off-shore oil drilling projects, while D.C.’s attitude towards America’s own offshore developments appeared less-than-enthusiastic. We gained hope though when our President promised in his State of the Union address that he’d be "making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development." Most of us optimistically assumed that "making tough decisions" meant allowing at least some offshore drilling. In fact, on national television that night I said that the President deserved kudos for acknowledging our need for domestic energy development in his speech.
Turns out that was just more drilling doublespeak: America has been snookered again.
While everyone has been focused on Obamacare, the Obama administration took advantage of America’s distraction andquietlysaid that it’s planning to place a hold on offshore drilling on the outer continental shelf until at least 2012.
At a time when our country is desperate for job growth, deficit reduction, and energy independence, it’s simply astonishing that the administration refuses to allow additional offshore drilling, even while supporting energy development in foreign countries.
According to a study by the American Energy Alliance, opening the OCS to drilling could create as many as 1.2 million new jobs and add hundreds of billions of dollars annually to the US economy. Those are real American jobs – and great American opportunities – that can’t be outsourced. Offshore drilling would provide billions in revenue for our states, allowing them to reduce their budget deficits without raising taxes. It would help reduce our trade deficit, which spikes with each rise in the price of oil because we’re so reliant on foreign sources of energy. And because we have some of the best environmental standards in the world, we should be drilling for our own oil instead of buying it from countries with less stringent standards.
When the Obama Administration first delayed offshore leasing on the OCS to allow for "an extended public comment period," the comments it received reflected what all the polling tells us – that Americans overwhelmingly support offshore drilling. (Curiously, those pro-drilling findings weren’t heavily publicized by the Administration and the press.) Americans understand that a true "all-of-the-above" approach to energy independence must include responsible development of our conventional resources. Even as we develop alternative energy sources, we’ll still rely on oil and gas for decades to come. If we don’t drill for it here, then we’ll just have to keep buying it from others.
Using executive power to lock up energy resources ignores the will of the American people who want to develop those resources and know that we can do so in an environmentally responsible manner.
Ignoring the American people is never good politics, but whether it’s energy independence or health care, our leadership in Washington is tone deaf to the commonsense solutions that Americans want.
Watching this potentially earth-shattering energy policy decision made quietly while health care transformation distracts us, it makes one wonder what else our politicians are up to. An old trick is to intentionally consume attention with a "crisis" so as to sap the public’s energy, and then to conveniently push through rash measures that would receive great scrutiny at any another time. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s Saul Alinsky-style of political operation: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
America, we must resolve to stay engaged in what our politicians are doing. Don’t get tired and give up. All political power is inherent in the people. America can only be transformed into something unrecognizable if we get so tired that we give up our political power and close our eyes to what is going on. Find the energy to stand for what you know is right, including supporting leaders who don’t engage in energy policy doublespeak.
- Sarah Palin
Obviously, this is outrageous. But, it may be the only transparent think Barack Obama has ever done. This is a transparent attempt by Obama to further enrich his master, George Soros, by making sure than American oil companies, and the American people themselves, cannot benefit from the God given natural resources we have off our own shores. By banning American exploration, this guarantees that Soros’ company, Petrobas, has a market for it’s oil, unaffected by the vast amounts of oil and natural gas reserves her.
If this isn’t corruption of the highest level, I’m not sure what is. In fact, with millions out of work, and nearly a trillion dollars a year sent overseas for oil, when we have plenty right here, this is more than just good old Chicago style corruption, this is bordering on treason.
There is absolutely no good reason for Obama to ban offshore drilling in America, other than to put more money in George Soros’ pocket, a pocket that already has $10 billion of your dollars in it.
With all of the unconstitutional activity Obama is pushing in regard to ObamaCare, and now this, isn’t it time we demand either his resignation, or impeachment?
Obama is demonstrably corrupt. We, the American people, should not have to wait for 2012 to be rid of him and his corrupt ways. It is time for this man, and the Chicago corruption he has visited on our nation, to go.
Barack Obama is leading his party to certain disaster. He and his party have really gone off the deep end. The march toward complete tyranny in America must be stopped.
Look, let’s make this simple. America has spoken, for a year now, America has spoken. They have said not no, but HELL NO(!) to ObamaCare. Americans rose up at town hall meetings. Americans formed both the Tea Party and 912 Project. Millions marched on Washington.
Fully 3/4 of Americans say they want no part of what Obama and his tyrannical Congress are selling, and yet, Obama is still demanding his corrupt Congress pass this unconstitutional disaster.
Obama came into office with a majority in both Houses, a "super majority" actually, as his Senate was filibuster proof. Despite the caterwauling from democrats that they were being obstructed by those mean old Republicans, truth is, the ObamaCare is such a crap sandwich, even some democrats wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.
This is why we have seen backroom deals, like the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase. All sorts of arm twisting behind the scenes. Obama may have illegally offered a Congressman’s brother a judgeship to get a vote out of the guy!
Instead of passing this mess though, Obama has fail, and America has only spoken louder and louder, saying HELL NO!
Obama lost his "super majority" in Congress when the bluest of blue states in the nation rejected the democrat looking to fill "Teddy Kennedy’s seat" and elected Scott Brown, whose main selling point, to many, was he was a vote against ObamaCare!
So, unable to move forward, Obama and his minions in Congress looked to illegally use "reconciliation" over in the Senate, to shove this down America’s throat. Under this scenario, the House would have to vote on and pass the Senate bill, as is, send it back to the Senate, and the Senate would shove it through, and send it to Obama.
The Senate parliamentarian put up several road blocks to this, and a number of democrats in the House are now having serious issues, including federal funding of abortions, and well, the thought of using a questionable procedure to pass a wildly unpopular bill.
We wrote about Bart Stupak’s courageous stand. We also wrote that democrats were telling Stupak they wanted to fund abortions, and if they took funding out, more babies would be born, and it would cost the government more money! That is breathtakingly evil. You can read more here.
Now here’s where we are at. While reconciliation, for these purposes, is illegal, the democrats don’t care, and still want to use it. But to do it, the House has to pass the Senate Bill, as is, with abortion funding, and other unsavory items that many members of the House oppose. Now these members are being told "trust us, we’ll fix all of that later." To their credit, they aren’t buying that load of manure. They will not vote for ObamaCare, and ObamaCare will not pass the House.
So, here’s the latest. As the House and Senate can make up their own rules, to a certain extent, the House has drafted a rule called, I kid you not, the "Slaughter Rule." This rule basically says Speaker Pelosi can "deem" the legislation passed, without even having a vote! This, of course is dangerous, and in direct violation of the Constitution, not that these people care.
Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law.
Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill.
—Article I Section 7 United States Constitution.
I shouldn’t have to explain just how dangerous this is to the Republic. This bit of tyranny along with the Senate’s new found love for "reconciliation" will forever change America. If the democrats pull this off, it’s over. There will be nothing to stop them from using it to pass anything. We will basically become a dictatorship, lead by the most maniacal psychopaths to ever hold office.
Sarah Palin has asked all Americans to stand strong against this great evil:
With a Stiff Spine America Must Stand Against Obamacare
If Senator Reid, Speaker Pelosi, and President Obama get their way, soon our country will be changed forever. Using every partisan parliamentary trick in the book (including some they invented just last week), Washington’s Left intends to ram through their takeover of our health care system regardless of the consequences.
The latest twists and turns in the Obamacare drama seem almost surreal. One minute the Democrat leadership is trying to amend a bill before the president has even signed it into law, and the next minute they’re trying to draft a new rule that will allow the House to "deem" a bill passed without actually voting on it! They’re determined to use the Senate reconciliation process as a parliamentary trick to bypass the regular voting procedure (and by the way, to add insult to injury, they’re now going to ram through federalization of America’s student loan industry with this same reconciliation vote). Is there any other wildly unpopular legislation they’d also like to sneak in? Perhaps the anti-energy-independence policy "Cap and Tax" (aka Cap and Trade) is next?
And make no mistake, the Obamacare bill is wildly unpopular. The Democrats’ own pollsters warn of an "unmitigated disaster" for them in November if they don’t abandon their plan and start over with real incremental health care reform. Incredibly, at this point, they don’t seem to care.
Speaker Pelosi thinks Congress must pass the bill so that the American people can then "find out what’s in it." We know what’s in it. We don’t want it. The Democrats will take short-term electoral losses in exchange for long-term radical change of the United States of America. They assume we’ll come to accept this new intrusion of government once we’re stuck with it. That’s why we can’t concede this battle. Americans must stiffen our spines and stand against this action that violates the will of the people with centralized government mandates and crippling costs.
Republicans in Congress are holding the line, and some Democrats are standing with them. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) said he won’t vote for the Senate bill if federal funding of abortion is included. Last Friday, he told National Review Online that some Democrats have told him that if abortions aren’t covered in Obamacare then "more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more…Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America?"
As I wrote in my first post on this topic, human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion. Government health care will not reduce the cost of medical care; it will simply refuse to pay it. And who will get left behind when they have to ration care to save money?
Please ask yourself: who will be left behind? And who will decide – what kind of panel will decide – who receives the health care that government will obviously have to ration?
There’s a great deal of pressure being put on Stupak’s pro-life Democrats. They’re already dwindling in number. Their party is threatening them, and so are powerful SEIU labor union bosses.
The Democrats respecting the sanctity of life have every incentive to buckle under the pressure, so they need to know that we’ll support them if they do the right thing and vote no on Obamacare.
Please take the time to get involved in the debate this week. There are many grassroots efforts under way. There will be a march on Washington on Tuesday, March 16th. Rep. Michele Bachmann has a "Kill the Bill" online petition that you can sign here. Most importantly, contact members of Congress and offer your support if they do the right thing.
We know we’ll beat them at the ballot box, but we have to kill this bill before November. This is the final push. We must stand up and stand together one last time to insist on true market-oriented, patient-centered health care reform that reflects America’s values and the will of the people.
- Sarah Palin
For their part, democrat party leadership is working overtime to intimidate House members into submission. Congressman Chris Van Hollen, assistant to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi sent out a memo warning members not to speak of their unconstitutional power grab.
Van Hollen shrugs this tyrannical behavior off as "inside baseball" and goes on to say: "People who try and start arguments about process on this are almost always against the actual policy substance too, often times for purely political reasons."
Amazingly arrogant, amazingly evil.
Brad Darling over at Red State breaks this entire situation down very well in his must read piece, which you can do here.
Also from Red State, is almost an apocalyptic prediction should Congress continue on this path:
Now, let’s talk about consequences.
The American public was at first peeved about this government power grab, leading to wildly entertaining August recesses for congressional Democrats. As the Dems shoved non-matching bills through House and Senate, America got positively miffed. Witness McDonnell, Christie, and Brown.
Now America is flat irritated. And if the Dems try sporting this blatant middle finger at the Constitution and America, we will all see what happens when America is finally angry. Like Dan Perrin, I think Democrats will back down before doing this. But we’ve both underestimated their stupidity several times in this process. Nothing’s a safe bet anymore.
Before this, Democrats were already going to lose HUGE in November. There are more House Democrats retiring in "safe" districts than there are Cincinnati Bengals and Dallas Cowboys in prison. But if they try this stunt, the ensuing electoral revolt will be epic and irreversible, resulting in a Democrat Party crippled so irredeemably that I predict a new center-left party will emerge in the next 10 years, attempting to shed the stench of scandal and disrepute that will be permanently connected to the Democrats. Most likely the partisan press will accelerate their own death spiral as they are unwilling to speak ill of the Democrats.
But that is November. What will happen in March?
Six things I can think of, the first three within days. I couldn’t say what order, because things will move pretty quickly. So I list them how my mind sorts them.
1. The Supreme Court will strike it down within days.
I don’t remember which of the 3 authors I cited said this (or maybe I heard it on the radio), so I don’t know who to cite. But every American has standing here, due to the exceedingly far reach of the Health Care Takeover bill. Somebody will sue. I predict GOP members of Congress will, and it will go straight to the Supreme Court. They will strike down the whole caboodle, and they will do it almost immediately. Probably 6-3, with Breyer and Kennedy voting with the originalists. Their ruling is very likely to include language extremely damning of the behavior of Democrats.
2. Numerous states will declare statutorily under the 10th Amendment that this law will be unenforceable within their borders.
I’m guessing 20 states. The move has been afoot for awhile anyway, and this blatant flouting of the Constitution will trigger the America-loving, freedom-loving instincts into bold (if rash) action. And while they’re at it, they’re going to say the same thing about everything emanating from the EPA.
3. There will be public anti-government outrage so great that it will boil into violence.
I do not condone this; it will be ugly and more than a little scary. Lest I give anybody fresh ideas, I will not expound upon it other than to say it will be directed, not generalized — directed at objects, property, and symbols of government, not at people. Although those who voted for this Slaughter Rule would be wise to perhaps hang around in Washington for awhile.
4. (Even more) new candidates opposing incumbent Democrats will come out of the woodwork.
Many already have, but many good ones have considered, then declined. Many of those will change their minds, even in blue states. And new ones will pop up like dandelions. And a whole bunch of them will win. The leftist partisan national media currently think Republicans might, juuuuuuuust MIGHT, get 40 seats and the House back. Idiots. It was already going to be 80 and 8. But after this stunt, it might be 120 and 14. This is what happens when the entire center turns on a party.
5. State AGs will bring charges against sitting Congressmen for whatever they can plausibly pin on them.
Sedition is the actual crime (IMHO), and that’s a federal charge. But no USA will touch this, since they work for the president. Because members of Congress cannot be recalled, citizens will be thirsting for vengeance. Very loudly. State AG’s will be chomping at the bits to exact SOME form of payback, encouraged (or pushed) by their citizenry. Things like corruption, conspiracy, bribery, racketeering, tax fraud, and so on, will be easy indictments. As the last few months have shown, congressional Democrats have been so thoroughly corrupt for so long, nobody will even have to trump up anything.
6. Republicans will shut down business in Congress until January 5.
Then it will REALLY get fun.
Democrats will lose the country days after they pull the Slaughter Rule. They’ll have their illegal law both flouted and overruled, their members will be subject to investigations and indictments, and not a single item of interest will be signed into law, nor will any appointment be approved, before January 5, when a hundred or more of them leave Washington for good.
I know, at this point, you are asking yourself why Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will risk it all to pass this wildly unpoular bill. Why are these loons willing to not only risk the ire of the Supreme Court, but possible violence from the American people, and maybe even civil war?
BTW, never forget our founding fathers fought a revolution, against the most powerful nation on earth, over this sort of nonsense.
Back in 1961 Ronald Reagan reminded us what it is all about. Progressives have been trying to pass some sort of government run health care into law for 100 years. The reason being, once passed, government gains complete and total control over the lives of it’s citizens.
This is something progressives desperately desire. These egomaniacal loons honestly believe they are smarter than you are, and know far better what is good for you, than you do. They sincerely believe you are too stupid to function on your own, and they must guide your every action with a command and control type of government, that literally plays a role in every action you may take.
Think about all of the insane rules that have been enacted, for your own good, and how many more these evil people wish to enact. It will all be possible if they get their foot in the door through ObamaCare, especially if they get away with this coup d'état they are now attempting.
I leave you with these words of wisdom from the great Renaldus Magnus:
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