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Monday, December 6, 2010

Kathy Griffin Booed By Troops for Bristol Palin Joke; Bristol Responds

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

Kathy Griffin got a lesson in class from the military. I hope she took notes. While hosting "VH1 Divas Salute The Troops," the troops actually booed her when she made a fat joke about Bristol Palin.

Holly McKay reported on FoxNews.com
Kathy Griffin hosted the VH1 Divas salute to the troops this weekend, but her “jokes” about Bristol Palin being “fat” fell flat.

"She's the only contestant in the history of the show to actually gain weight," Griffin said in reference to Bristol's trip to the finals on “Dancing With the Stars.”

Even after the troops' loud booing, Griffin continued the attack.

"No, come on, come on. She gained like 30 pounds a week, I swear to God, it was fantastic,” Griffin said. “She's like the white Precious."


But Palin, 20, isn’t letting 50-year-old Griffin’s digs bring her down.

“The audience's reaction to this ‘comedian’ spoke volumes, and the decent people I know would probably have booed her, too,” Palin told Pop Tarts in an exclusive statement. “I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms.”


“Calling Bristol Palin fat is inappropriate and distasteful, even under the guise of humor,” body image expert and author of “Love Your Body Love Your Life,” Sarah Maria, told Pop Tarts. “The problem is that people, and particularly young people, easily absorb the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that are presented to them. [It's a problem] when someone makes critical comments about someone else’s body and weight, beliefs such as ‘fat is a horrible thing,’ ‘I am no good unless I am thin.'"


And while Griffin strutted in a bikini in what she called her “starvation body,” the comedienne wasn’t always so willing to flaunt her figure.

Just last year, the “Suddenly Susan” star admitted that she fell prey to some serious body image issues while seeking out her “big break” in Hollywood. Not only did Griffin get a nose job at the age of 26 in an attempt to improve her appearance, in addition to liposuction that she claims almost killed her, she also reportedly exercised obsessively, starved herself during the day and binged at night.

Having experienced the pain and pressure of show business first-hand, might one think Griffin would be a little mores sensitive to such issues?

“It is quite surprising, given her own experience," Maria said. "One would hope that her own difficulties would awaken a sensitivity, understanding, and compassion regarding the difficulties of body weight and image in today’s culture."

Read the full article here.

Of course, this isn't the first swipe Griffin has taken at a Palin. She seems to be a bit obsessed, even stooping so low as to trespass the Palins' property, which she managed to do while palling around with Levi Johnston.

Perhaps with the help of being booed by our men and women in uniform, Kathy Griffin will get the not-so-subtle hint: no one is laughing at her mean-spirited--not to mention incorrect--assessment of Bristol's weight.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy Griffin and Joyless Behar ought to team up for the Negatively Miserable Comedienne Tour. Maybe they could find a bunch of disillusioned dead butts to come to their concert.

    Griffin's joke fell flat because she was playing to the wrong crowd, humans.
