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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Exposed Emails: The Media's Plot to Destroy Palin to Elect Obama

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

The Daily Caller has been shaking things up all week. Jonathan Strong's articles exposing the evil acts of mainstream media members, who went by the name of Journolist, have been both eye-opening and a confirmation of what many people already knew. This week has shed light on their commitment to playing the race card, their desire to oppose free speech and silence Fox News, and the latest, their coordinated effort to destroy John McCain's 2008 VP pick.

If anyone has seen John Ziegler's Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin was Targeted, he has already seen evidence of the media's plot to affect the election. If anyone has heard this audio (via C4P), she's already heard of said plot. And if anyone has a heart and an ounce of decency, he has already felt the disgust that comes when witnessing the media's obvious disdain for Governor Palin.

2008 has been coined "the year journalism died." The exposed emails do nothing to belie that fact, and apparently the coffin was picked out the very day Senator McCain announced Governor Palin as his runningmate. Jonathan Strong writes:

But in many other exchanges, the Journolisters clearly had another, more partisan goal in mind: to formulate the most effective talking points in order to defeat Palin and McCain and help elect Barack Obama president. The tone was more campaign headquarters than newsroom.

The conversation began with a debate over how best to attack Sarah Palin.


Daniel Levy of the Century Foundation noted that Obama’s “non-official campaign” would need to work hard to discredit Palin. “This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn’t say – very hard-hitting stuff...

The media, therefore, so important in our free society to report the news, took it upon themselves to figure out how to shape the news so as to shape the outcome of an election. Yet they whine about being called lamestream.

Despite their relentless insistence to this day that Governor Palin poses no threat to their left-wing agenda, these emails tell the truth. Clearly, she was a problem who had to be done away with. This called for a plan:

As the morning wore on into the afternoon, some on Journolist came to believe the Palin pick had been shrewd. Palin was coming off as appealing and a maverick, they worried.

“Okay, let’s get deadly serious, folks. Grating voice or not, ‘inexperienced’ or not, Sarah Palin’s just been introduced to the country as a brave, above-party, oil-company-bashing, pork-hating maverick ‘outsider’,” Kilgore said, “What we can do is to expose her ideology.”

So we've established Governor Palin was deemed a threat. And in their campaign to destroy the threat that she was to the real inexperienced candidate--the community organizer--nothing was off-limits, not even dragging her youngest child into the picture:

“Her decision to keep the Down’s baby is going to be a hugely emotional story that appeals to a vast swath of America, I think,” Donmoyer wrote.

Politico reporter Ben Adler, now an editor at Newsweek, replied, “but doesn’t leaving sad baby without its mother while she campaigns weaken that family values argument? Or will everyone be too afraid to make that point?”

Of course, this was followed by Trig Trutherism, which exists to this day--yahoos contacting the Governor's doctor to demand proof that she actually gave birth to Trig, blogs that run several stories a day with before and after pictures of her belly, and gullible sheeple nodding, salivating, and saying, "Yeah...yeah..."

The Daily Caller is calling attention to the behind-the-scenes workings of Obama's "non-official campaign." I can't say for sure, but I believe that the President, as smart as he is, had to be aware of what was going on. My goodness, anybody with one eye could see it, one ear could hear it, and one nostril could smell it. But now that it's out there via these personal emails, I'd love to hear our Commander-in-Chief speak on it.

The actions of those who are supposed to represent our 1st Amendment rights are not to be obsessively partisan, not prejudiced, and certainly not election-deciders. They are to be honorable. Our society depends on it. What they did/do is inexcusable. If you're thinking, "Well, this doesn't seem so bad," first, you're a yahoo, and second, let me point you to the last sentence of Mr. Strong's article:

That was all on the day of the announcement.

In other words, that was just the beginning. Day 1. A portion of Governor Palin's Facebook note when the first email story emerged is ringing prophetic:

It really says it all – though more will no doubt be revealed in the future, no doubt covering the lamestream media’s coverage of other issues and people. May the light keep shining!

Stay tuned, and in the meantime, read the full Strong article here.

So what has Governor Palin said about all this? The Daily Caller reports on her exclusive remarks:

From a remote location on an island off Alaska’s coast, former Governor Sarah Palin is blasting what she describes as the “sick puppies” in the media who immediately and ruthlessly attacked her when Sen. John McCain picked her as his running mate during the 2008 presidential campaign.

In exclusive remarks to The Daily Caller, Palin described “hordes of Obama’s opposition researchers-slash ‘reporters’” descending upon Alaska in the days after she was picked by McCain.

She said the media became a key reason she decided not to finish out her term as governor and faults, in part, the McCain campaign for failing to vigorously defend her.

Palin chose to be a public figure at the highest level, as a candidate in a presidential campaign, arguably inviting the most intense scrutiny imaginable.

Yet TheDC revealed posts from Jounolist that show liberal journalists coordinating attack lines against Palin from the moment McCain picked her, suggesting she may have had the deck stacked against her.

Palin said she sensed the vitriol coming from campaign reporters at the time.

“It was too obvious to me, my family, my administration and anyone else who knew me (and my record) that we were in a defenseless position the minute I gave my acceptance speech and the hordes of Obama’s opposition researchers-slash ‘reporters’ had descended upon Alaska,” Palin told The DC.

Palin, whose conflicts with key McCain campaign staffers are infamous, said the campaign could have stood by her more firmly.

“To not have had the McCain campaign staff defend my record was an insurmountable challenge, because once a bell is rung, it’s impossible to un-ring,” Palin said.

Regarding a television interview with Katie Couric widely seen at the time as a turning point in the public’s perception of Palin, which critics argued illustrated Palin’s inexperience, Palin said the interview was selectively edited.

“It didn’t help, either, that the hours and hours of interviews with the likes of Katie Couric resulted in a few minutes here and there of selected snippets of my annoyed answers. (I naively had not believed at the time of some of the badgering questions [for example, questioning my pro-life position] that the editing process would fulfill their biased purpose),” Palin said.

Palin says the feeding frenzy culture of the media galvanized her political opponents in Alaska. “The media incentivized political opponents to file false ethics charges and expensive, wasteful, frivolous lawsuits against me, my family and my staff, in an obvious attempt to destroy us,” Palin said.

When those lawsuits — which Palin said she won, but the media didn’t cover — caused legal costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Palin had finally had it, she said.

“I said, ‘Enough. Political adversaries and their political friends in the media will not destroy my State, my administration, nor my family. Enough.’ I knew if I didn’t play their game any longer, they could not win. I would not retreat, I would instead reload, and I would fight for what is right from a different plane.”


“The lamestream media is no longer a cornerstone of democracy in America. They need help. They need to regain their credibility and some respect. There are some pretty sick puppies in the industry today. They really need help,” Palin said.


“I have lost all respect for the ‘mainstream’ media because they lied; and still lie. And they abuse America’s freedom of the press — because with freedom comes responsibility. My son chose to put his life on the line to defend that freedom, and I feel like his, and every good soldier’s, efforts are thrown in their faces when the press takes advantage of their sacrifices instead of respecting the freedoms they’re willing to die for,” Palin said.

Read the full article, "Sarah Palin strikes back at Journolist’s ’sick puppies,’" here.

Below is the video of Jonathan Strong talking about this on Fox and Friends this morning.

(h/t C4P)

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