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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Brian Ries of The Daily Beast Masterminded Gov. Palin's Facebook Deletion

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

Earlier today, Governor Palin tweeted that she had reposted her Facebook note expressing disapproval about the building of a Ground Zero mosque. She ended that post with a note that said the original one was "somehow unintentionally deleted by mistake or technical glitch."

It was not a mistake, and it was no glitch. It was another collaborated effort to silence the most feared threat to the radical leftist agenda. Earlier today, the story emerged exposing the lamestream media's decision to go after Palin in order to get Obama elected. I covered that controversy here, and C4P covered it here and here. This Facebook situation is simply more of the same anti-Palin tactics.

So let's take a closer look at who was behind this attack on free speech.

Brian Ries, a writer for The Daily Beast, led the campaign to censor the Governor because he didn't like her viewpoint that a mosque built on "hallowed ground" would be "a stab in the heart of the families of the victims" of 9-11. So instead of dealing with the issue itself, he did what all far Left yahoos do: he sought to shut her up by putting the "racist" label on her. Perhaps he picked up this antiquated antic from members of the Journolist group. (Just a thought.) He rallied the troops on his blog with the title, "Let's Report Sarah Palin's Facebook Rant for Being Hate Speech, Yes?" He went on to write:

Some insane woman from Alaska is ranting on Facebook about how an Islamic community center built near Ground Zero would be a “stab in the heart of the families of the victims.”

Quite frankly, she’s being a racist loon.

Go report her post on Facebook for being “Racist/Hate Speech” to the admins. Let’s see if Mark Zuckerberg has any balls left.

See his full rally cry here.

As a journalist, Mr. Ries should be committed to the expression of free speech, not the snuffing out of it. There is nothing hateful or racist in Governor Palin's Facebook note. The idea that the multitudes of people who remember the pain of Ground Zero and oppose the building of a mosque there are responding out of anything other than the purest of motives is both dangerous and diabolical. Thinking of this nut, I am reminded of the Governor's words as reported today by Jonathan Strong:

There are some pretty sick puppies in the industry today. They really need help.

I think Ries qualifies.

Apparently at least one reporter has questioned Mr. Ries' actions, for he posted here:

This is not really about ‘refudiating’ Sarah Palin. It was a social experiment to explore the boundaries of Facebook’s government-like Terms and Conditions and the power of the Tumblr community.

Free speech on the internet is still a work-in-progress.

And yes, I started it. But Tumblr launched it.

— My response to a reporter asking, “Were you gaming Faacebook to suppress free speech? Or was this really hate speech that shouldn’t be allowed on there?”

We, the people, are tired of these clowns using Governor Palin as their "social experiment." And this was the wrong day for yet another media yahoo to mess with her. We level-headed, truth-seeking, honest-working Americans are fed up with these loons' inability to even feign decency regarding the Governor. We're not going to let this stuff go. We're finding the hatred where it is, and we're dragging it front and center--even more vehemently than before.

* You can find Brian Ries on Twitter and read what he's been saying about this here. In case you want to check him out over at The Daily Beast, click here.

Facebook has since apologized for the deletion of Governor Palin's Facebook note. CNN reports:

Social networking site Facebook issued a bit of a mea culpa Thursday after a post by former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was deleted from the massive site.

In a statement given to CNN, Facebook said a "note" by Palin about her opposition to building a mosque near New York City's Ground Zero had been deleted by an automated system.

"The note in question did not violate our content standards but was removed by an automated system," Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said in the statement. "We're always working to improve our processes and we apologize for any inconvenience this caused."

After the original post was deleted, Palin re-posted the note Thursday morning.

(h/t C4P)

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