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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

God, America and India

by nypalinpower

Hi guys,

First, I want to thank Sarah for her thoughtful Hanukkah wishes. Thank you Sarah! I hope you and your family have a beautiful holiday season, a joyful Christmas and a New Year filled with love and light!

It's been a long time since I posted to this blog! I have been out of the country spending some time in India which has been a beautiful experience for me. Yeah I know, I completely missed Sarah's book tour! Well, not entirely, I made sure I was on top of all the happenings while at the same time sending out thoughts of love and silent prayers for our Sarah. I'm just so happy that her book tour was a picture perfect success! And from what I read and saw, it also seemed to include a "Sarah doing it her way" media tour! You Go Rogue Gal!

Now that it's holiday season, I thought I would speak about Sarah, God in America, and a little bit about India.

I was reading on the internet about Sarah's visit to Billy Graham in North Carolina and the profound comments she made about God and America. I agree very strongly with Sarah when she says that we need to remember God more in our daily lives and she is right. We do need to remember God if we want to advance further in the world as a nation of peace and prosperity. Sarah also said that Americans need to be more dedicated to God and that America would be better off if we can learn to be more humble and to follow God's will. I couldn't agree more.

I think the main thing Sarah is saying is that in America we often forget that there is something greater than ourselves. I think this is one of the most important things Americans can realize. Most people in America are too busy to take the time to pray or worship and we forget all about God. We think that other things are more important, and we focus and rely more on ourselves for answers than on God for answers. We become arrogant or complacent and we forget to pray. Most of the time we don't even appreciate what we already have and forget to offer it to God with a grateful and humble heart.

Here in India, I noticed that people have a great respect for their faith. And I think Americans can learn a lot from them in terms of respect, humility and devotion. I am so deeply touched and so humbled when I walk the streets and see the poorest of the poor so grateful for the little that they have. I love their peaceful and gentle nature and their respect for all faiths.

I know that Indians love Americans very much and are enjoying so much of the West's culture and technology. I only hope that we too can be humble enough to realize we can also learn something from them.

So to everyone in America and the rest of the world who are celebrating the many ways to love God during this beautiful holiday season, I send my very best wishes to all of you and all of your families.

Happy Holidays!

With much love, (from India)

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