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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sarah Palin: About That "Coin Controversy" Are You Kidding Me?

You know, maybe it’s just because I’m just a dumb old small town Texan, but having listened to Sarah Palin speak for a couple of years now, on everything from geopolitics, to energy independence, to eating at Dairy Queen, I’ve never had one single problem understanding a single word she has ever said.

You see, like us Texans, Sarah Palin is a plain spoken woman. She says exactly what she means, and by God, she means exactly what she says. This is obviously more than the "elites" in our society can deal with.

These "elites" look for hidden meanings, nuances, what have you. It's like they feel they need an interpreter to understand "American!" It's beyond their abilities to understand that with Sarah Palin, what you see, is what you get.

The more I look around at the so-called "smart people" who occupy the media, Congress, and the White House, the more convinced I am that the whole Ivy League schooled lot is educated far beyond their intelligence.

This of course, explains why America is in the shape it finds itself in.

This latest "Palin controversy" cooked up by the Obamacentric media has to do with the recent speech Sarah gave at the Wisconsin Right To Life festivities Friday night. This is actually the second media cooked up "controversy" surrunding the event, as the Obama lap dogs got their panties in a wad because the press was not allowed. These grown ups have whined like two year olds since. And of course, have blamed Sarah. Never mind that it was the event host, and double never mind that this is standard operating procedure for these things.

So far, no whining about the fact the press cameras won’t be allowed at the Gridiron Dinner, the black tie affair Sarah will be attending in Washington, D.C. next month. Maybe it’s because all of the other A-listers will be there as well.

Anyhow, to the latest made up silliness from the drive by media.

It seems Sarah made some remarks about the fact on the new dollar coin, "In God We Trust" has been moved from it’s rightful place, to the edge of the coin. Like many, she sees this as a metaphor for the way God is being deliberately shoved aside in our culture. Now she never blamed anyone in particular, and yes, she know this all started a while back.

Anyhow, from Sarah:

Coin Controversy?

Today at 6:20pm

It is stunning to read and hear about this "coin controversy." At a recent speech in Milwaukee I discussed the troubling fact that we too often move God to the side in our public life, and gave as an example the shift of the words "In God We Trust" to the edge of the dollar coin. My comments were not about this President or this Congress – this change predated them. I was merely making a point about a disturbing trend in our country, after which I moved on to discuss some encouraging trends. People who try to read more into such straightforward comments are working hard to find a controversy where there is none.

- Sarah Palin

Again, one has to wonder if the media is really this stupid.....well, you don’t have to wonder much......or if they are so desperate to find something to attack Sarah on, they have to try this hard! They can’t attack her on facts, they can’t refute some of the most compelling statements that Sarah has made this year, because time and time again, Sarah has been proven correct.

If this is all they have, if this is all they've got, taking this bunch down is going to be easier than once thought!

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