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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembering Our Veterans

Growing up just a few miles from Ft Hood, Texas, this Veterans Day has a very different meaning than most. The despicable terror attack that took the lives of some of America’s best still stings. The heart still aches.

We are blessed in America to have the finest military on earth. A military made up of brave men and women who voluntarily choose to serve our nation, to keep us free. These brave men and women put their lives on the line at home and abroad to keep liberty and freedom secure.

Since the very beginning of this nation, our fighting forces have been a symbol for the freedoms we enjoy. They have always been a force for good. Over the years, our forces have confronted great evil, and prevailed. They have fought wars against oppression, against tyranny. 100's of millions worldwide have been liberated because of the sweat and blood of the American G.I.

Many have given the last full measure of devotion in service to us. These are debts that we can never repay. The sacrifice and devotion our bravest give to the nation should never be taken for granted. We must honor our bravest every day. We must thank every soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine that we meet. We must let them know how greatly they are appreciated, not just today, but every day.

Sarah Palin offers her message of tribute to our veterans:

In Honor of Those Who Sacrificed for Our Freedom

In most of our cities and towns, you’ll see memorials to brave Americans – some in uniforms of wars from long ago – who defended freedom. If you look down at their inscriptions, you’ll see that they were dedicated by the mothers, fathers, wives and orphans of the veterans who gave all for their country. In distant lands across the globe, you’ll find silent fields of white markers with the names of Americans who never came home, but who showed their dedication to their country by where they died. Today we honor those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as those who served and came home forever changed by the battlefield.

Remember all the veterans who fought and sacrificed for our freedom today, and then please take the time to thank our brave men and women currently serving in uniform. We owe them so much.

- Sarah Palin

There are many, many charities and organizations that support our troops. One I would like to highlight is AnySoldier.com. This is a wonderful group. It allows you to send items to members of our armed forces, even if you don’t personally have someone serving.

I was struck by a message the other day from one of our brave men. He had a simple request that folks send baby wipes. As you know, in the field, troops can go days without a proper shower. These moistened wipes help them stay at least somewhat refreshed. It’s the simple things that we take for granted that our troops need the most.

As we remember our bravest, take a trip over to AnySoldier.com and help out.

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