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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Governor Palin: “Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work: 1st Cars, Now Foreign Oil”

Today's Wall Street Journal contains some puzzling news for all Americans who are impacted by high energy prices and who share the goal of moving us toward energy independence.

For years, states rich with an abundance of oil and natural gas have been begging Washington, DC politicians for the right to develop their own natural resources on federal lands and off shore. Such development would mean good paying jobs here in the United States (with health benefits) and the resulting royalties and taxes would provide money for federal coffers that would potentially off-set the need for higher income taxes, reduce the federal debt and deficits, or even help fund a trillion dollar health care plan if one were so inclined to support such a plan.

So why is it that during these tough times, when we have great needs at home, the Obama White House is prepared to send more than two billion of your hard-earned tax dollars to Brazil so that the nation's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, can drill off shore and create jobs developing its own resources? That's all Americans want; but such rational energy development has been continually thwarted by rabid environmentalists, faceless bureaucrats and a seemingly endless parade of lawsuits aimed at shutting down new energy projects.

I'll speak for the talent I have personally witnessed on the oil fields in Alaska when I say no other country in the world has a stronger workforce than America, no other country in the world has better safety standards than America, and no other country in the world has stricter environmental standards than America. Come to Alaska to witness how oil and gas can be developed simultaneously with the preservation of our eco-system. America has the resources. We deserve the opportunity to develop our resources no less than the Brazilians. Millions of Americans know it is true: "Drill, baby, drill." Alaska is proof you can drill and develop, and preserve nature, with its magnificent caribou herds passing by the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), completely unaffected. One has to wonder if Obama is playing politics and perhaps refusing a "win" for some states just to play to the left with our money.

The new Gulf of Mexico lease sales tomorrow sound promising and perhaps will move some states in the right direction, but we all know that the extreme environmentalists who serve to block progress elsewhere, including in Alaska, continue to block opportunities. These environmentalists are putting our nation in peril and forcing us to rely on unstable and hostile foreign countries. Mr. Obama can stop the extreme tactics and exert proper government authority to encourage resource development and create jobs and health benefits in the U.S.; instead, he chooses to use American dollars in Brazil that will help to pay the salaries and benefits for Brazilians to drill for resources when the need and desire is great in America.

Buy American is a wonderful slogan, but you can't say in one breath that you want to strengthen our economy and stimulate it, and then in another ship our much-needed dollars to a nation desperate to drill while depriving us of the same opportunity.

- Sarah Palin


  1. This makes such sense, and is good for the welfare of the country. No wonder liberals can not comprehend it.

  2. It is just like his cash for clunkers bill---one of the best things that ever happened to the economy of Japan since only one out of five new cars purchased using this plan is an American car.

    What county is the the President of?

  3. Why don't we get rid of all the politicians in Washington DC. and get a few Boy and Girl Scouts to run the country. They would do a better job than the idiots who run our government now. At least they would try to use a little common sense, the one thing that has been missing in our government for years.

  4. Sarah Palin IS a breath of fresh air in this polluted atmosphere we call politics. I do NOT believe these idiotic polls that say that she is not supported as much as she is as I know better. She is not afraid to stand up for what is right even though the repercussions from such a stance is enormous as we have all seen. The left in this country are the evil red headed step children so to speak and for that I am embarrassed. Anyone with half a brain can now see the reasoning behind Gov. Palin stepping down as it not only saved the State of Alaska untold millions in tax payer money being wasted frivolously but has freed her to speak her mind. That my fiends shows the dedication to the people that is in this woman's heart.

    I commend you Gov. Palin for your courage, fortitude and your dedication to do the right thing. And don't worry about support. There are indeed multitudes who stand by you because you think like we do.

    God Bless you Gov., your family and I pray that you continue to make a positive impact. Please continue to scare the #$%^ out of the left and make them fear the next time you speak!

  5. Sarah, God bless you and keep preaching. You speak the truth, you always have, I have prayed for you to have strength to bring the darkness into the light. May God bless you. Thank you for continuing to expose the deceit and lies. What is happening to our country is evil, plain and simple. God bless you once again.
