
I am continually amazed by the media. And not just the state run media, you know, all of those who have the slobbering love affair with Obama. I mean you kinda expect that. They worked so darned hard to get him elected and want to keep him there. Fend off any challenger, especially one who stands an incredible good chance of beating him.
But the ones that get me are the so-called conservatives. I know much of it has to do with the beltway mentality. The old Washington/New York elite. The ones that don’t get out of the big city and mix with the great unwashed, ever.
Frankly, to me, it’s like an episode of the Twilight Zone!
The normal Americans who have taken time to hear Sarah’s Independence Weekend Speech understood every single word she said. (and yes, to her, the timing so close to Independence Day was symbolic)
It was a call to action.
But...but...but...she QUIT!
Did she?
That’s the meme that seems to be universal among these geniuses.
This is where I start to realize that higher learning is a total waste of time if you have the comprehension level of much of today’s pundits.
Now in the most technical of terms, yeah, Sarah quit. But that says nothing.
Let’s look at where Sarah’s thinking seems to have been.
As I wrote earlier, the clues have been there that something was up, but not knowing what was going on inside her mind, we missed them. It’s obvious that once she toured the nation and spoke to so many people that she was inspired by Americans just as much as they were inspired by her.
Something else that has been very plain from all of Sarah’s speeches to major groups, especially those that get national coverage, is that she is very troubled by what is going on in our nation. Sarah has always been an advocate for energy independence, she’s really the go to guy on that sort of thing. But she is also a big advocate for small government and fiscal responsibility.
With the democrat party trying to ram the most disastrous energy policy one could ever dream up, one that amounts to the largest tax increase ever imposed on mankind, and doesn’t create a drop of energy, there are issues, to say the least.
And of course, Obama and his comrades in Congress are big government hacks on steroids. Obama and the rest of his crew think that government is the end all, be all, to life. That government should control every facet of one’s life. (But not theirs, they’re special) Obama couldn’t care less about our Constitution. From the banks to auto companies (and voiding investor contracts) to regulating people’s pay, to even passing a "special tax" for a handful of people to punish them for excepting pay they legally earned, Obama has our founders spinning in their graves.
Even Hugo Chavez stated that Obama was more left wing than either he, or Fidel Castro!
The really best part? Thanks to Comrade Obama, we actually have more czars than Russia ever did! Well over 30. I won’t list them all, but as a lifelong car guy, as in worked in the business, it is beyond scary that the car czar, the cat who will run General Motors, and maybe Chrysler, has absolutely zero experience in the automotive trade. None, zip, nada! And he’s still just a kid!
Of course, where we have serious constitutional issues here is the fact that by appointing all of these czars, Obama has completely and totally usurped the Senate’s constitutional responsibility of advise and consent. In other words, these czars are elected by no one, and approved by no one, except for Obama himself. Lenin and Stalin would be so proud!
Foreign policy and national security? This guy is Neville Chamberlain wrapped up in Jimmy Carter with a strong dose of naivete thrown in for good measure.
North Korea and Iran are running amuck. Obama has basically resigned himself to the fact that Iran will have nukes, and at time when North Korea is launching missiles everywhere, basically doing R&D that will help them perfect a long range delivery platform, Obama wants to gut the military budget, as all democrats always do, especially missile defense.
Even worse, after the Iranian elections, evidently overseen by ACORN, while young Iranians were being beaten and killed, it took Obama two weeks to come up with anything that even resembled condemnation of the illegitimate regime.
On the other hand, when Honduras has a mad man who was usurping their constitution, trying to set himself up as dictator for life, and the people’s representatives took action, removing him from office, Obama couldn’t get out a statement fast enough in support of the Castro wannabe! Never mind that the next guy the in line of succession had taken power and announced elections as soon as possible to choose a new leader. Obama was in the company of Chavez, the Castro brothers, and the United Nations in their support of lifetime dictators!
"As Commander-In-Chief, Governor Palin is the one we look to for leadership and inspiration while serving and defending the sovereign boundaries of Alaska" Lt General Craig E Campbell, Adjutant General of the Alaska National Guard.
So what does this all have to do with Sarah "quitting?"
Well, to anyone who is paying attention to her, they know that she is of the opinion that someone needs to put Obama in check and fast!
And who else is gonna do it?
Let’s face it, save for a few principled conservatives, the Republican party is full of milquetoast moderates who have no idea how to fight. Or worse yet, actually agree with a lot of Obama’s agenda.
The democrats have a majority in the House, and the way Nancy Pelosi threatens her members, she can get anything passed, especially the bills no one reads, you know, the ones that cost tax payers multiples of trillions of dollars!
And with, I can’t believe I’m saying this, Senator Al Franken, the democrats have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.
In other words, nothing or no one can stop them from trying to implement their visions of a socialist Utopia.
At least no one in DC.
You hear it in her speeches and see it in her eyes. Sarah is ready to go and take on these issues with gusto. She will be a strong advocate for small government, strong national security, and real energy independence.
It’s also very clear to anyone who even remotely follows the ins and outs of politics in Alaska, that couldn’t happen as long as she remained Governor.
Forget the physical logistics of it all, that’s the least of the problem.
Nope, Alaska is a very strange place right now, politically. Before Sarah became a national figure after being picked by Senator McCain as his running mate, things were relatively tame as politics go. Sarah was hailed for her ability to work with both sides of the aisle. In fact, knowing that she helped take down a bunch of corrupt Republicans, the democrats were very happy to work with her.
Let’s face it, with energy making up most of Alaska’s economy, it made sense for everyone to get together on important legislation. In fact, Sarah’s signature accomplishment, the natural gas pipeline, was passed just one vote shy of unanimous!
Then came McCain and more ominously Obama and his Chicago/Saul Alinsky brand of politics.
The word came down from Washington for the democrats to make Sarah’s life difficult. I’ve already written about Obama’s direct connection to the failed "troopergate" smear. As well as his payoff to Alaska Senator Kim Elton ad nauseum.
On Tuesday, appearing on Greta Van Susteren’s On The Record, Sarah’s attorney Thomas V Van Flein, while speaking about all of the phoney ethics complaints, mentioned that at least one had originated from the lower 48. And he also mentioned the DNC’s official blogger for Alaska, Linda Kellen Biegel, though not by name. Biegel being one of the loons who has devoted their life to attacking Sarah. Biegel is even raising money to supplement her disability payments off of this venture!
In other words, the Saul Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" plan was followed to a tee!
But, the media seems clueless.
If anything, some of the better ones mention the fact that Sarah has personally racked up a legal bill of over $500,000, so far. They portray Palin as a victim, or worse yet, say she’s trying to play the victim. Not that anyone could blame her, but really, does that sound like the Sarahcuda we’ve all watched for years?
What the media totally leaves out, even the "good ones" is the fact that not only does this nonsense cost her personally, it has cost the taxpayers in the state of Alaska 4 times the amount it has cost her!
So far these democrat operatives, and assorted loons have cost the taxpayers $2 million with their nonsense. And believe me, they have dozens of more complaints on deck ready to file!
All of these complaints have come in the last 8 months. It’s pretty easy to figure at that rate, with Sarah having 18 months left to serve, just her being in office would cost the Alaskan people between $6 to $8 million, total!
And that doesn’t factor in the man hours wasted on this mess. Sarah has said that almost 80% of her staff’s time is being taken up dealing with these loons. John Fund, writing in the Wall Street Journal, states that since the election, there have been 150 FOIA requests filed. Those take time and time is money.
Alaska has some very strict ethics laws, ironically championed by Sarah herself. Before Sarah became Governor, there was a lot of corruption in Alaska government. Some had called it the most corrupt ever. Taking a lot of it down is what got her elected in the first place.
But the problem is, for the complainant, there is no cost to file. And just about anything can be complained about. Even better, if you file frivolous or fraudulent claims, there is no punishment.
Now I have heard people say that they should just change the law. Good luck with that. Can you imagine the pushback from the democrats on that? Or the phony headlines? It would never happen as long as Sarah was in office, and might not happen after that.
Now again, for people that have studied Palin, they get why she is upset. This is a woman who has slashed budgets. She put the Governor’s jet on eBay! She reassigned the executive chef because she didn’t think she needed a cook and staff at the Governor’s Mansion. Show me another Governor who doesn’t have a cook!
She even turned down a substantial raise this year to save the state money!
Even better, when she’s working out of the Anchorage office, Sarah actually drives herself to work, in her personal car! And Wasilla to Anchorage is a pretty good tow in the summer, never mind the winter! Most Governors have limos, or beefed up SUV’s and are driven by someone.
So the fact that these loons will cost the taxpayers of Alaska millions upon millions with their personal vendetta is really a bridge to far for Sarah to cross. They have effectively shut down her government with these tactics. At this point, she truly hurts more than she helps, and she knows it.
And is if to put a punctuation mark on the whole thing, Monday one of the crazies actually filed a new "ethics" complaint, totally proving her point!
Even better, this is one that has been filed before and thrown out!
Zane Henning bills himself as a "conservative watchdog", but he is a DNC plant. And this isn’t Henning’s first at bat against Sarah either. He is also the loon who filed a couple of "ethics complaints" because of the media coverage of Sarah.
As you all know, after the election, Sarah was the hottest interview in town. When she went back to work, the first morning there was a mob of reporters, cameras, and so on waiting for her at her office door. It goes with the territory. Ethics violation filed.
Then horror of horrors, Greta shows up to do an extended interview with Sarah and her family. I mean come on. This was and still is the most popular Republican in the country. An exciting woman who came pretty close to being Vice President.
Add in the exotic state she comes from, and interest was at a fever pitch. Of course people were going to interview her! But Greta sinned because she filmed a segment in Sarah’s office! She also did a spot in the kitchen eating moose chili and took a ride with Todd on the snow machine. If only she would have worn an Arctic Cat jacket, Henning could have filed for that too!
By the way, it is illegal to publicize ethics complaints before they are heard by the personnel board, but these democrat operatives who are worried about the Governor’s ethics, seem to have no issue with violating the ethics rules themselves!
Henning had a statement out immediately announcing his triumph for democracy!
In fact, merely publicizing the complaint is their win. They know this nonsense is going to be thrown out, but thanks to Huffington Post writers Shannyn Moore, Jeanne Devon, and Amanda Coyne, and others there are plenty of headlines! And the state run media picks up on all of them.
To sum it up Sarah was in a no win situation.
Even the great warrior Sun Tzu tells us it isn’t wise to fight battles we can’t win!
Now sure, Sarah could have stuck it out, let the democrat operatives and loons steal tax payer money and state time, millions of dollars that could better be spent on roads, or education, or well, anything but this.
But that ain’t Sarah. In fact it would have been selfish for her to keep the job for her personal or political gain, and she knows it.
By the way, THAT is what baffles the beltway bunch to no end! They are used to politicians who have to be dragged from office!
And as far as Sarah speaking out against Obama from Alaska, are you kidding? These crazies are inventive. They’d find something wrong. Ethics complaints would have been flying!
And come to the lower 48 and help other Republicans?
You must be joking.
She gets hammered every time she even thinks about leaving Alaska. In fact, noted constitutional scholar, and certified whack job, Linda Kellen Biegel (official DNC blogger for Alaska) actually wrote on her blog that she" had Sarah now", after Sarah’s trip to visit the troops in Kosovo. Her National Guard troops!
Sarah’s crime?
She talked about how great America was and how great her Guard was. To the crazies, that is unconstitutional. Forget that Palin is their Commander-In Chief!
Biegle is still looking to file that one!
And let’s not forget the personal here.
Let’s not forget the unreal attacks on her children. You had Letterman and his disgusting "jokes" but the real sick stuff has come from loons like Andrew Sullivan, Linda Kellen Biegel (official DNC blogger for Alaska) and the various hate bloggers at the Huffington Post. All of them have attacked Sarah’s youngest child, Trig, a special needs child, proving once and for all the depths of depravity liberals will sink to are really bottomless.
Now if Sarah was just going home, that "quitter" label might have some validity.
But again, anyone who watched her Independence Speech, or read the transcript, knows that isn’t in her plans.
The naysayers say she can’t stand the heat, and yet, she’s preparing to come down to the lower 48 and set up shop to take on the issues she cares about. If she’s a lightning rod all of the way up in Alaska, what do you think she will be like down here?
And I can’t stop laughing at all of the pundits who are still clueless about her July 3rd timing. To these people this was nothing more than a "dead day", something used to hide bad news. Typical beltway Washington/New York City group think. The also poo-poo’ed her because they weren’t invited to the party, just local press.
Funny thing, Sarah actually knocked Michael Jackson coverage off the TV for a while, and the networks as well as the cable newsers couldn’t get to Alaska fast enough to try and score interviews!
Pretty much anything Sarah does publically, and sometimes even privately, is a media event. And she has an uncanny ability to turn negativity into positive. Remember all of the dust up over Letterman? Most of it wasn’t even stirred up by her! It was supporters who took on Dave and his advertisers.
And yet, Sarah was able to use that interest to talk about real issues. She scored interviews with Matt Lauer on NBC and Wolf Blitzer on CNN. They wanted to talk Letterman, but she wanted to talk natural gas pipeline, her signature achievement. And that's what she did. And she did, at length. She had just signed a deal with Exxon-Mobil and Trans-Canada that would see the largest infrastructure project in history get done, and paid for mostly with private money. You think the TV guys would have been excited to give her time to just talk about energy?
In other words, Sarah will have no problem getting media coverage to talk about whatever she wants to. Even the ones who absolutely hate her will have to cover her.
It still boggles my mind that the media elite don’t get the July 3rd timing though. Those cats need to get out of their world and mingle!
And for those that think all of this is poor strategy, remember, this has already worked for her very well in the past!. Just a little over a year into her job as chair of the AOGCC, Sarah "quit" because she couldn’t get past the protection Governor Murkowski was giving the good old boys in the agency.
So, from OUTSIDE government, she effected huge change! She got a bunch of people fired, fined, indicted, and so on. Mostly Republicans. Then took the Governor’s job!
You really think this gal needs some title or position to get things done?
Look, Sarah has now given interviews, Meg Stapleton, her spokesperson has given interviews, Sarah’s close friend has weighed in, and so on. The intentions are pretty clear. While Sarah is falling on her sword to save Alaskans further theft by the democrats and loons, and all of the headaches, so her agenda can be forwarded by Sean Parnell, she is also going to go at the democrats and RINOs nationally with full force. Starting with a speech at the Reagan Library on the 8th of August.
In other words, she is taking the fight to them!
This is an upward move, for sure.
And for those that think her political career is over, a USA Today/Gallup poll shows she is fine.
While overall, the numbers may look tough, mainly because 70% of the democrats polled say they wouldn’t vote for her, 17 percent are likely or somewhat likely to vote for her, should she run.. 44% of the independents say the same, while 72 percent of the GOP would vote for her. And 2012 is a long way away. She has plenty of time to win over more supporters.
And Sarah still remains highly popular in the Republican party, some 76 percent approve of her!
And we aren’t factoring in the horrible shape the economy will be in by 2012 if something doesn’t give. Remember all of those "Reagan democrats" that gave Ronnie two landslide elections? We may see a whole lot of "Palin democrats" do the same for her.
By the way, for what it’s worth, 70% of all polled said Sarah’s decision had absolutely no effect on their feelings for her one way or the other.
Now as a conservative who has followed Sarah since she became Governor, and as someone who also pays attention to what regular old conservatives are saying around the country, I can tell you the support for her among them is even more intense, if that is possible!
Money has been pouring in at an unbelievable rate to SarahPAC, according to Stapleton.
For those that follow her on twitter, she has seen those folks more than double in number since Saturday afternoon! At one point as many as 10,000 an hour were joining in. And she was fishin’, not tweeting!
I honestly don’t know what this means, but she has 9000 more people following her, as of this writing, than Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal , and Tim Pawlenty combined!
And her tweets are generally about the work she is doing, not what is on the menu at the local eatery!
Here’s the bottom line, as I see it.
Sarah Palin is a national figure now, and has been since she came home from the trail. As Ann Coulter put it, she is just too large of a figure for Alaska. When John Kerry or John McCain lost their bids for President, they went back to the Senate. If anything, their runs made them smaller. For Sarah, the opposite has happened. She went from being a little known Governor from a far away place, to the absolute star of the Republican party.
Sarah is at a unique point in history, and knows it.
She is at the cusp of a real movement in America.
Let’s face it, the democrat party is destroying any chances of staying in power with their insanity. And frankly, even lifelong Republicans are not impressed with the GOP’s "hey if we were more like the democrats we could win" strategy.
The movement from party identity to independent has never been higher. The state run media loves to say that the number of those calling themselves Republicans is at a all time low, but they leave out the fact that the democrats are in the same boat!
Sarah has said flat out, during her Independence Speech, and in interviews afterward, that she isn’t beholden to party. And that’s true, because she never has been. In fact, the party establishment has never been all that happy, because she doesn’t play the partisan to get things done. And will go after bad Republicans with the same vigor as bad democrats.
Sarah has said she wants to work with others who share her love for America, and her vision, both in and out of government. She has further said that she will work with Republicans, democrats, and people with no party at all.
Right now a lot of folks are still trying to figure her out. But you tell me that her message won’t be music to normal people’s ears?
Most of us that are really into politics tend to see things from a party perspective. Most Americans don’t. Furthermore, most Americans think both parties are worthless, and that most of our problems come from partisan politics. And they have a point!
Honestly, I don’t know if Sarah wants to be President. I’m sure she would love it, but I am not sure if she has that all consuming lust for it. That "I’d sell my soul" kinda deal.
I think for her there is more to life, and anyone who saw her interviews with her hip waders, windblown hair, and no make-up knows that! One of the state run media talking heads commented that Sarah "quit, then went fishing". Of course for Sarah, fishing means commercial, something she has done for 20 years plus, and fishing means big nets full of salmon, with her doing the same work as the men!
True story, she’s had an ethics complaint because a photo of her holding one of these big fish was used by the state fishing agency in advertisements! (You really think YOU could put up with that sort of stupidity on a daily basis?)
No, I think if Sarah Palin is to ever become President, it will be by popular demand. It will be because like it already is, everywhere she goes people scream at her to run. When she shakes hands and signs autographs people ask her to run. And there are already dozens of Draft Sarah websites, just like there were the draft sites for her to be the VP pick.
Sarah can draw a huge crowd any time anywhere. More than anyone else in politics, save Obama. And as time marches forward I imagine if Obama draws a crowd, it might not be as friendly as he’s used to!
Sarah has 3 ½ years to go across the country giving speeches, promoting her book, talking policy. Helping conservative candidates. And frankly collecting IOUs.
I always compare Sarah to Ronald Reagan, who is one of her heros, and mine as well.. Yes, they are different, but they are also alike. Especially when it comes to core principals. And for those of us that remember Reagan’s loss in 1976, he too was written off by the Rockefeller wing (RINO) of the party, and the media. In fact, if you take out the misogyny, and the over the top attacks on her kids, pretty much everything that is being said about her, was said about Reagan. Almost verbatim, which shows you the left wing and the RINOs aren’t very creative!
Reagan spent from 1976 to 1980 traveling the country, giving speeches and preparing. Sarah has been described by anyone who has worked with her, including well respected DC policy wonks as a disciplined, quick learner. Someone who is intellectually curious, and highly motivated.
Again, I have no idea where we’ll be come 2012. But anyone that thinks Sarah Palin is down and out or "finished" just hasn’t been paying attention! I suspect that whatever she wants to do, she will do and do well.
I know I’d hate to be the one trying to stop the ‘Cuda!
She has only begun to fight!
And with that, I’ll leave you with this great video!
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