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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Palin: Is it Any Wonder we Call Them "Lame"?

Gov. Palin posted a Facebook Note on June 1, 2010 which described in detail how NBC twisted and distorted a printed statement she had supplied them. NBC sought an interview with Gov. Palin and her husband Todd regarding the fence they built to protect their border from stalker Joe McGinnis. NBC promised Gov. Palin to run her statement as a full-screen graphic, then broke their promise. Par for the course with an agenda-driven media.

Purposeful Distortion is Malicious

It's one thing to distort or misrepresent words as they're spoken, especially if the subject is a fast talker. Cub reporters covering their first few stories do it all the time, and even veterans do it. Distorting a printed statement that was supposed to run without modification is not an innocent mistake. It is a malicious act. NBC and MSNBC are well-known to have harbored malice toward Gov. Palin in the past, so this is just the latest in a series of hit pieces they have done on her and her family. Gov. Palin is actually someone outlets like NBC, MSNBC and the AP love to hate for as much as they hate her, they love the mega ratings dollars she brings.

Joe McGinnis and Saul Alinsky: Perfect Together

Gov. Palin also details in her Note, the Alinsky tactic used by McGinnis, in which he accuses her of "inciting hatred." Not addressed in the Note, but equally as disturbing was the "flipping the script" allegation made by McGinnis in a People Magazine interview that "Gov. Palin is stalking him".

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