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Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Phenomenal Alaska Trip: Part One: A Post by Conservative Girl with a Voice

Many of my regular readers may be wondering why I have not been blogging in recent days. For the past year, I have been planning a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Alaska, and I am very excited to write that I am typing this post from a hotel room in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska. My sister, Krisha, and Kristina Lazzaro, a fellow organizer for the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee, and I have had an amazing trip so far. We have been going non-stop since arriving in town. My good friend Eddie Burke, who's running for Alaska's lieutenant governor, and his amazing wife, Linda, were there to meet us at the airport, which was so sweet of them. After meeting us, they took us to the trendy Anchorage restaurant The Brewhouse where I had a great halibut dinner. I highly recommend this restaurant for anyone who is looking to experience true, Alaskan flair.

There are so many memories that I have already made, and I cannot wait to experience more great sights. We have gotten together with so many great people and had a lot of fun and, oh yes, crazy experiences. Everything from spending the day going to the local flea market, souvenir shopping and visiting the world's largest chocolate fountain with great friend Tracey Porrecca to hanging out with Alaska State House Candidate Jason Cline on his birthday. The people here are real people, and I could totally see myself living here.

One of my favorite days so far was spent attending some Memorial Day Veteran events. I have been privileged to assist Eddie Burke in his campaign for lieutenant governor. As the only veteran in the race for lieutenant governor, Eddie knows firsthand what our military men and women experience when they leave their homes and families in order to keep us safe. The veteran events were very special and personal to him for several reasons. Our military men and women need to be thanked everyday, not just a couple of times a year. The events I attended yesterday in Anchorage and the valley reiterated just how important it is that we support our military and do everything in our power to support them. I had the privilege of speaking to many members in the crowd as well as some of the speakers, including Congressman Don Young, Senator Mark Begich, Senator Lisa Murkowski, as well as a couple other state leaders. All of these individuals were very friendly and I enjoyed speaking with them. I have photos that I will be posting soon.

I also finally got the chance to meet Rishi. Many of you may know Rishi as my favorite liberal. Politics aside, he is a pretty cool and let's just say unique guy, even if he likes to tease me and call me a "sorority girl" - Ha ha. That is not the only liberal I had the chance to meet. Right after I wrapped up talking to Senator Lisa Murkowski, I was approached by blogger Linda Kellen-Biegal. You may all know her as "Celtic Diva." At first, I did not recognize her, but she knew exactly who I was and even pronounced my name right. I think she was a little shocked that I reached out my hand to shake hers, but she agreed. Let's just say we had an interesting, yet very civil conversation. I even asked to have my photo taken with her, and she agreed. Click here to read her account of our meeting each other face-to-face for the very first time.

Our final Memorial Day event out in the Valley was a very memorable stop for me. As my sister took photographs of the event, Eddie introduced me to another Lieutenant Governor Candidate, a guy we palinistas all know very well: Jay Ramras. I also saw the other candidate in the running, Mead Treadwell, in attendance. I also got the chance to speak with Joe Miller, who is running for the Senate against Lisa Murkowski. He and his wife, Kathleen are great people. This was a great event, and I can definitely see why so many individuals love living in the great state of Alaska!

I have been to quite a few beautiful places, but after arriving at my latest stop in Wasilla, I do not think there is a state that is more beautiful than Alaska the last frontier. There is just something very special about its majestic beauty that seems to continually call my name. After staying in the Anchorage for the past four days, my sister, Kristina Lazzaro and I just arrived at a beautiful, undisclosed part of Wasilla. The place we are staying at is phenomenal and top notch. Not only is this place peaceful, but the people are so friendly and welcoming. I wrote this portion of my blog post while sitting outside in daylight, and it was just after 12 a.m. Since it does not get truly dark for another hour or so, I thought I would come down and sit by the lake and continue this blog post, which I am finally posting today. As I listen to the sounds of the birds and the jumping of the fish, I am reminded just how amazingly good God has been to me. I prayed long and hard about this trip, and I knew that if God wanted me to travel to Alaska, he would open the door. I have already experienced so many great and wonderful memories, and I know I have many more great memories to come. Eddie and Linda Burke and their amazing family (great friends), Tracey Porreca (our wonderful friend, Alaskan mom and tour guide), J and Bev Perdew (who took us on an amazing drive around Palmer and Wasilla), Jason Cline and Danny McDonald (our crazy, fun guys) have been so welcoming, and it has been so fun to experience their Alaska. It was also real special to go over to Chuck and Sally Heath's house last night for desert and coffee. Chuck is such a cool guy and even gave us the whole tour of the house. It is so amazing and has an awesome museum feel to it. It is because of all of these individuals that I have met the wonderful people I mentioned above. It is true when you hear how kind and welcoming the people of Alaska are. They are the real deal. I am signing off for now because Kristina, Krisha and I are getting ready to attend Eddie Burke's daughter, Ericka"s, wedding today in Anchorage. Stay tuned because I will be back again soon to blog and post lots of photos. And, oh by the way, for those of you who keep asking: Yes, I have seen Joe McGinniss' house, and I must write that Todd did a pretty good damn job constructing that fence!!! Way to go, Todd!!!

(Make sure to spread the word and follow my blog Conservative Girl with a Voice as well as my twitter account @rachellefriberg for my Alaska-trip shenanigans.)

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