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Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Palm-Worthy," Says Palin: "I Can See November From My House"

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

Last night, Governor Palin spoke at a 710KNUS event in Denver, Colorado. The Governor hit hard on issues such as Obamacare, Arizona's anti-illegal immigration fight, Obama's dangerous habit of alienating our allies, and taking back Congress in November.

In fact, on that last point, she coined a phrase I had not previously heard her say: palm-worthy. The Left tried to make a big deal of her writing on her hand at the Nashville Tea Party Convention in February, but she has embraced that practice and has proven that what the Left intends for evil against her only offers her yet another means of connecting with the American people. When commenting on the November mid-term elections, she quoted a sign she recently saw and called the content of that sign palm-worthy. The sign read, "I can see November from my house!" Indeed those words are palm-worthy, for indeed we see November in the distance--and we like what we see.

As the Lame Stream Media is wont to do, however, they put words in Governor Palin's mouth. Has she not already told them to "quit making things up"? Jon Bowman, writing an article for KWGN reported that she said:

We need to usher in a stampede of pink elephants or mama grizzlies in the 2010 elections.

I listened to the speech. Not only did she not say that, she didn't say anything that could remotely be mistaken for that. These people have too much time on their hands or the voices in their heads are speaking so loudly they cannot discern those voices from hers.

My advice to the media: be responsible, listen carefully, take notes, and tell the truth. Now that, too, is palm-worthy!

After Governor Palin spoke, she and the two other panelists participated in a question-answer period and tackled a range of issues. It's good patriotic conversation, so be sure to listen until the end.


* Video courtesy of PalinTV
* Picture: KWGN.com

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