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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New York post doesn't understand speaking engagements... it seems.

by Upinak

When you know you are in a losing streak, you take out your opponent via the knees right?

Well the New York Post, a liberal rag of mindless entertainment, decided to write a “I Hate Palin because I don’t think she can sell herself and I think she is dumb” article again. I think that the New York Post and their writers are scared that they are losing money… and have to print this drivel to get some money in.

What cracks me up is how the NY Post is just frothing at the mouth concerning the speaking circuit and the amount of one hundred thousand (100,000) per speaking engagement, which if you think about it really isn’t that much.

Per NY Post:

Palin's bookers are said to be asking for $100,000 per speech, but an industry expert tells Page Six: "The big lecture buyers in the US are paralyzed with fear about booking her, basically because they think she is a blithering idiot."

Now, seeing this, we all understand that speaking engagements are going to “cost”. But if you book a building, with around 1500 seats would be about 67.00 a piece. BUT since you have to have money to rent the building which could be 25,000 for a day, which would cost in the amount of 17.00, I don’t see how this would be a problem? People pull out 100 dollars for just about anything anymore. So charging 100 to 150 dollars per speaking engagement, per person really isn’t that bad.

Also, let us talk about Speaking Engagements that include a nice dinner. Everyone knows you buy the plate before hand for whatever speaking engagement it is. So let’s say you want to hear Sarah at one of these. It is all priced out via the building it would be in, the price of employees, food and set up as well as the strip down and the speakers cost as well as the commission. Well we have all seen these types of dinners where you can pay up and including ten thousand (10,000) dollars per plate! So a room for 500 people. You have 100,000 for speaker, 50,000 for food and service, 15,000 to rent facility. So round it up to 200,000 thousand for cost of all and the cost of the plate for the Dinner Speaking Engagement is a whopping 500.00 dollars per person!

Whoa. I think the New York Post should have thought this through before they typed their smear article out.

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