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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Governor Palin: Culture of Life and Rededication to God Needed in USA

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

While there are many things I respect about Governor Palin, at the top of that list is her unwavering stand for what she knows is right. While many Republicans have tried to distance themselves from the issue of life--back-tracking, watering down, remaining silent--for fear that this debate will cost us elections, Governor Palin never budges. She is true to her convictions. She sees a culture of life as essential, something that must be encouraged and embraced. She will not sell her soul for politics. We know that the majority of Americans stand with her on this issue, as the numbers indicate more of us are pro-life now than pro-abortion (or pro-choice as they like to call it). Governor Palin also never hides her Christian faith and belief that we certainly need God in America. Amen to that! She dealt with these issues in her Heroic Media keynote address in Houston last night.

According to CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby:

Sarah Palin starkly framed the midterm elections on Tuesday as a choice between political candidates who favor a "culture of life" and those on the opposite side of the issue wanting to implement "a culture of death."

Palin, delivering a paid speech to an anti-abortion group in Texas, claimed that President Barack Obama oversaw "the biggest advance of the abortion industry in America" by signing landmark health care reform legislation that, she said, allows for taxpayer-funded abortions.

"That's why it's essential that we use the 2010 midterms to elect a Congress that will make undoing the damage of Obamacare its first priority," she told an audience of more than 2,500 gathered at First Baptist Church of Houston, a megachurch on the city's west side.

The former vice presidential candidate was speaking at an event sponsored by Heroic Media, an organization that runs ad campaigns urging women with unexpected pregnancies to seek counseling instead of abortions.

The evening's focus was squarely on the topic of abortion, but Palin couldn't resist veering into political territory several times during her nearly hour-long appearance.

She praised Texas' Republican Gov. Rick Perry for his ferocious opposition to all things Washington and called Obama "the most pro-abortion president to ever occupy the White House," reprising a line from similar speeches she has delivered across the country this year - sometimes for as much as $100,000 a pop.


Though the political right has largely been energized this year by fiscal issues and backlash against the Obama administration's handling of the economy, the speech was a reminder of Palin's deeply held conservative views on social issues.

Describing the Beck rally and its overtly revivalist tenor, Palin explained that "the answer to the challenges in our country are to restore honor and to rededicate our country to God and to serve our father God."
Contrast Governor Palin's position concerning abortion to President Obama's. Watch the video below where he took too long to repeat the same old cliches about abortion, too long to only end up saying, "People still argue and disagree about it. That's part of our Democratic way." Unlike the President, Governor Palin knows that an unborn child is not some thing to be argued about. An unborn child is not to be thrown in the middle of the arena of our "Democratic way." She understands that an unborn child is a life to be embraced, nurtured, and protected. And that is the humane way.

(h/t Ian)

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