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Monday, October 26, 2009

Sarah Palin: Principles Over Party? In a New York Minute!

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

I'm a New Yorker, so let me chime in on this...

Last week Governor Palin endorsed the Conservative-party candidate, Doug Hoffman, over Republican, Dede Scozzafava, in the New York 23rd Congressional District. A bold move, which we should be used to by now with Sarah. The endorsement has been a conversation-piece since the moment she made it. Whereas Newt Gingrich endorsed Scozzafava, those who put their money where their mouth is could never make such an endorsement.

Regardless of the 'R' next to her name, Scozzafava is more of a Liberal than many Liberals are. She is a far cry from a true Republican standing on conservative principles. For some, that's okay, for as long as the 'R' remains by her name, they are content to lend their support. What's that all about? If we don't stand for something, what are we doing?

Apparently Newt Gingrich doesn't get it because he endorsed a woman who is certainly not abiding by the principles of the Party. And what's his attitude toward people like Sarah Palin, Fred Thompson, and Governor Pawlenty who have put principles over Party by endorsing Hoffman, a true conservative? "Mind your business!" he screams at them. Meanwhile he's not exactly minding his, for the last time I checked he did not live in New York-23.

Scozzafava is no conservative. She is a RINO (Republican in Name Only), and we can no longer afford to elect people who are not willing to stand up for the principles the people expect them to. Too much is at stake. She does not set herself apart from Democrats, so why would any Republican, who truly cares about principles, support her? It makes no sense.

However, not everyone is willing to go on record--putting their names on the line in the process--for going against "the family." Some would rather remain silent, like Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. Perhaps they find remaining silent easier than bucking the Party for the sake of principles. But by now we ought to expect better of Sarah. She is principled, if nothing else. Remember, in Alaska she took on corrupt politicians regardless of their Party because doing the right thing is doing the right thing--PERIOD. In this case, supporting Scozzafava is not doing the right thing. Here's a woman who approved of the stimulus plan, supports abortion, and is a threat to the traditional family.

Governor Palin supports Doug Hoffman for good reasons, as noted on her Facebook page (emphasis mine):

The federal government borrows, spends, and prints too much money, while our national debt hits a record high. Government is growing while the private sector is shrinking, and unemployment is on the rise. Doug Hoffman is committed to ending the reckless spending in Washington, D.C. and the massive increase in the size and scope of the federal government. He is also fully committed to supporting our men and women in uniform as they seek to honorably complete their missions overseas.

And best of all, Doug Hoffman has not been anointed by any political machine.

Doug Hoffman stands for the principles that all Republicans should share: smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense, and a commitment to individual liberty.

Political parties must stand for something. When Republicans were in the wilderness in the late 1970s, Ronald Reagan knew that the doctrine of "blurring the lines" between parties was not an appropriate way to win elections. Unfortunately, the Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race. This is why Doug Hoffman is running on the Conservative Party's ticket.

There's been an on-going debate about what the Republican Party must do to "right the ship." Many say we need to move further to the Left, to sell out the values upon which we have been built. In the midst of that nonsensical chit-chat, some, like Governor Palin, are standing up for principles. If that means they have to step away from a professing Republican who does not represent those principles, so be it. Again, doing the right thing is doing the right thing.

When Governor Palin announced on July 3rd that she would be stepping down from the office of governor, she expressed clearly what she would do next (emphasis mine).

And there is such a need to BUILD up and FIGHT for our state and our country. I choose to FIGHT for it! And I'll work hard for others who still believe in free enterprise and smaller government; strong national security for our country and support for our troops; energy independence; and for those who will protect freedom and equality and LIFE... I'll work for and campaign for those PROUD to be American, and those who are INSPIRED by our ideals and won't deride them.

I WILL support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the RIGHT reasons, and I don't care what party they're in or no party at all. Inside Alaska - or Outside Alaska.

Both the mainstream media and the "political machine" played stupid, like they couldn't figure out what Governor Palin meant. Maybe now they get the picture: She meant exactly what she said.

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