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Friday, October 16, 2009

Representative Michele Bachmann Welcomes Governor Palin Comparison

By Adrienne Ross - www.motivationtruth.com

The New York Times reports the growing popularity of Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann and basically coins her "the other G.O.P. Lightning Rod." We all know who the perceived lightning rod is.

Not bad for someone less than three years on the job.

Here in Ms. Bachmann’s district, and in much of the country, that outsized celebrity has boiled down to this: They adore her or they loathe her.

As the health care overhaul moves closer to a full debate in Congress, Ms. Bachmann is under attack from the Democratic National Committee for spreading “reckless lies” about the overhaul, one of a handful of Republicans singled out as part of the committee’s “Call ’Em Out” campaign.

Sound familiar? Seems that not too long ago Governor Palin was called a liar by those who took offense at her fearless comments about "death panels," which caused even President Obama to cast off all self-restraint as he referred to her time and time again. Talk about being all wee-weed up.

Some of Ms. Bachmann’s fellow Republicans, meanwhile, are drawing glowing comparisons between her and Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and Republican candidate for vice president. Sean Hannity, the conservative talk show host, has introduced Ms. Bachmann as “the second-most-hated Republican woman in the country, second to Governor Palin, which is a good position.”

Being compared to the governor, who is as admired for her common sense conservatism as she is hated by the those who fear the same, is a badge of honor. And what reaction does Representative Bachmann have to such comparisons?

Ms. Bachmann, a lawyer, former state senator and mother of five who with her husband, Marcus, a clinical therapist, has opened their home to 23 foster children, has not so far objected to the speculation, particularly the comparisons to Ms. Palin.

“Sarah Palin is a dedicated mother, committed public servant and strong political figure who has fought hard to protect life, the family budget, and freedom,” Ms. Bachmann said, noting that Ms. Palin’s book — not yet out — was already selling in enormous numbers, while “Nancy Pelosi’s book sold a paltry 2,737 copies in its first week of sales” in 2008.

Read the entire article here.

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